Is that ethical? Exploring social media dilemmas in charity comms
- Day
- Tuesday 4 February
- Time slot
This event took place about 2 months ago
- Room
Pentland auditorium
Wheelchair accessible - Contact
Ann Rowe
0131 37 80632 - Topic
- Digital, comms and marketing
- Overall aim
This session is a safe space to explore some of the trickier issues that charities and voluntary organisations, and their staff, face when using social media. It can be complex and emotive to navigate these challenges, and our panel will provide insight and signposting to support you in making the decisions that are right for your organisation.
- Description
We all want to do the best we can for the organisations we work for. But does the end always justify the means?
Join us to reflect on some of the current ethical dilemmas with social media.
Our panel of speakers will share their perspectives on two prevalent dilemmas and take questions from the audience to help us explore these important issues:
- Values clash - social media owners and their companies are increasingly under scrutiny for unscrupulous behaviour. How do you balance your ‘need’ to be on social with how you, your colleagues and your stakeholders feel about certain social channels?
- Wellbeing – toxicity on social media is rife. How can you navigate having an effective presence with care and consideration for yourself and your colleagues?
- Who was the event aimed at?
Corporate services (comms/finance etc)
- Who spoke at this event?
- Kirsty Marrins, Digital Communications Consultant (Panel Chair)
Dr Mhairi Crawford, Chief Executive LGBT Youth Scotland
Rebs Curtis-Moss, Charity Comms Consultant
Prue Watson, Acting Head of Social Media, RNIB