Holding your nerve in a complex landscape
Step by Step in Moray SCIO
- Day
- Tuesday 4 February
- Time slot
This event took place about 2 months ago
- Room
Harris suite
Wheelchair accessible - Contact
- Gareth Jenkins
- Topics
- Leadership Families and communities Impact and evaluation
- Overall aim
This event aims to highlight the simple yet effective preventative approach taken by Step by Step in Moray, a charity supporting parents and their children up to age 3. Trustees, staff and volunteers at Step by Step in Moray will share their learning, evidencing the impact of their work over the last 16 years and raising questions as to their future sustainability, and that of similar organisations, in a changing and complex landscape.
- Description
With news feeds and publications routinely reporting complex and worsening household situations around mental health, poverty, child development and family disintegration, parental anxiety can be understandably heightened. Come and hear how a regional family support charity, Step by Step in Moray:
- uses simple methods to create an environment conducive to effective and impactful early years parenting
- builds trust and quality relationships with and between families with babies and toddlers
- uses preventative measures and early intervention to help parents give their children a good start in life
- uses informal peer support so parents see themselves as valuable contributors to society
- has stayed true to its values since 2008, learning and developing along the way and attracting funding in an increasingly competitive funding arena
- Who was the event aimed at?
Trustees, Project/Line Managers
- Who spoke at this event?
- Val Fowles, Chair
Gareth Jenkins, Project Manager