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Supporting Scotland's vibrant voluntary sector

Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations

The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations is the membership organisation for Scotland's charities, voluntary organisations and social enterprises. Charity registered in Scotland SC003558. Registered office Mansfield Traquair Centre, 15 Mansfield Place, Edinburgh EH3 6BB.


EssentialSector mobile video training

Support materials

Conducting an interview

This resource is kindly provided by media co-op.


  • Plan your questions in advance.
  • Research the person and their story – find out as much as you can.
  • Think about the order you ask questions in.
  • And what your ideal answer would be (angle)!
  • Find out about the location and think where you may film the main interview - will there be issues with noise or light?
  • Plan what visuals you may want to film.
  • If there’s an event on, ask organisers to arrange permissions for you to film.
  • If you are filming an organisation at work, you may need to think of visual sequences to film to demonstrate work - eg talking on phone, working on laptop, going for a walk, handing over care package

Set up

Be friendly

Chat to the interviewee beforehand to put them at ease. Let them know they can have as many goes as they like, you will be there to
help them.


If a contributor has messy hair or make up - ask them if they’d like a moment to check themselves out in the mirror. Don’t tell them
they look scruffy, give them an opportunity to have a final check what they’re happy with their appearance.

Test run

Film the person saying their name and their job title then watch it back attentively.

Ask yourself:

  • Is the background clear?
  • Is this the best framing possible - am I too far or too close?
  • Is the eyeline correct?
  • Is the lighting complimenting?
  • Can I hear the audio clearly or is there too much background noise?



Active listening is key. Look at the interviewee while filming. Only now and then glance at the phone if you want to check they haven't
moved out of frame.

Only look at questions before asking them - not while the person is speaking. It’s hard to talk when no one is listening.


Listen to what they’re saying – are they answering the question, are they being clear, do you need to ask them again?
If they are saying something funny – smile.

Encourage them by saying things like – ‘that was great’ or ‘you’re doing great’. Everyone is nervous being in front of the camera and
it’s nice to know if you’re doing a good job.

If the interviewee is giving an emotional answer, don’t interrupt.

Let them finish, you can pick up on extra bits later. It will be impossible to get an emotional contribution after being interrupted.


If the interviewee is not answering clearly, ask them to repeat or ask a followup question by reframing your original question.

Don’t tell them negative things about their contribution. Just say thanks, I really found it interesting when you were talking about.
XYZ, can you please repeat the answer and focus on those bits.


Don’t worry about asking to repeat, people will find it relaxing having another chance to do it.



Always check your footage is there – you may have not pressed record or the microphone was not plugged in properly.