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Supporting Scotland's vibrant voluntary sector

Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations

The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations is the membership organisation for Scotland's charities, voluntary organisations and social enterprises. Charity registered in Scotland SC003558. Registered office Mansfield Traquair Centre, 15 Mansfield Place, Edinburgh EH3 6BB.


A voice for the voluntary sector

At SCVO we work to ensure that policies and decision-making at a national level reflect the needs and concerns of Scotland’s voluntary sector. We take action to build a better future for voluntary organisations.  Our policy pages set out our work with the Scottish and UK governments, and other public bodies. 

Our policy priorities for 2023-25

We focus on areas of work that impact on all voluntary organisations, regardless of their size or area of work.  We work to improve the conditions in which voluntary organisations operate. 

Fair funding & procurement

We champion Fair Funding, a long-term, flexible, sustainable, and accessible approach to voluntary sector funding. 

We also ensure sector wide challenges are recognised within the Scottish and UK Budgets, Fair Work, procurement, funding transparency, and public sector funds. 

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Better regulation

We work across the voluntary sector and beyond to ensure that regulation-related decisions are made by taking the sector's circumstances, views and concerns into account.

We cover everything from charity regulation and auditing to freedom of information legislation and access to banking.  

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Transforming the economy

We believe in an inclusive and sustainable economy that values and benefits the voluntary sector.  

We will ensure voluntary organisations have opportunities to demonstrate their role as economic actors and influence decision-making in this area.   

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Latest briefings & policy reports

The latest briefings and policy reports from SCVO. Read more

Policy network

SCVO’s Policy Network connects voluntary sector professionals in Scotland with an interest in policy and public affairs. Our members have access to a highly valued training and events programme and an online space designed for collaboration and connection. The network is open to anyone in an SCVO member organisation either working in or with an interest in policy. 

Policy network

Meet the team

Eve Dillon

Assists across all aspects of the team’s work, and has responsibility for SCVO’s Policy Network 

Jason Henderson

Leads our better regulation work and is responsible for charity law and Fair Funding 

Kirsten Hogg

Has strategic responsibility for our policy and research work and is responsible for procurement 

Rachel Le Noan

Leads our work on the economy and has responsibility for Levelling Up 

David Livey

Leads on Freedom of Information, procurement, the National Performance Framework, and climate change

Sheghley Ogilvie

Leads our funding work and is responsible for our work on Fair Work and the Scottish budget 

Get involved

Collaborate with us and our members to develop and promote voluntary sector policy perspectives for Scotland