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Supporting Scotland's vibrant voluntary sector

Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations

The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations is the membership organisation for Scotland's charities, voluntary organisations and social enterprises. Charity registered in Scotland SC003558. Registered office Mansfield Traquair Centre, 15 Mansfield Place, Edinburgh EH3 6BB.

Fair funding & procurement

Poor funding and poor procurement approaches risk our sector’s contribution and ability to deliver vital services for people and communities across Scotland.    

Our sector urgently needs Fair Funding and streamlined procurement processes to support the essential work of voluntary organisations and their staff and volunteers.  

Contact the team

Jason Henderson

Fair Funding

Rachel Le Noan

Public funds

David Livey


Sheghley Ogilvie

Scottish and UK Budgets, Transparent funding, Fair Work, Running costs crisis

Latest briefings & policy papers

The latest Fair Funding & procurement briefings and policy papers from the policy team.

Progress & latest developments

We work with colleagues across the voluntary sector, in government and across parliament, and with other decision-makers, to share the impact of funding and procurement systems and decisions on voluntary organisations, their staff, volunteers, and the services and support organisations offer. We share the funding and procurement solutions needed to support a sustainable voluntary sector. Our Fair Funding work is central to these solutions. 

  • We want to ensure that the Scottish Government’s Fairer Funding principles align with SCVO’s definition of Fair Funding – developed through significant research and engagement with the voluntary sector. 
  • We’re pushing the Scottish Government to ensure voluntary organisations in Scotland benefit from the full Barnett consequentials of additional support the UK Government provides to charities and communities in England. 
  • We continue to explain the need for annual inflation-based uplifts for public grant funding and the need for recognition of the impact of rising inflation on voluntary organisations, their staff, and their volunteers.  
  • We are calling for more financial transparency asking the Scottish Government to adopt a comprehensive approach to financial openness, including within budget lines and grant funding across all directorates. 

Perfect storm could see voluntary groups shut - SCVO's Paul Bradley highlights the data from our Third Sector tracker and the worrying picture it paints for Scotland's voluntary sector in the coming months

Get involved

Collaborate with us and our members to develop and promote voluntary sector policy perspectives for Scotland