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Supporting Scotland's vibrant voluntary sector

Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations

The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations is the membership organisation for Scotland's charities, voluntary organisations and social enterprises. Charity registered in Scotland SC003558. Registered office Mansfield Traquair Centre, 15 Mansfield Place, Edinburgh EH3 6BB.

Policy reports

Total posts: 193 | Pages: 1 of 20

Summary of proposals Our proposals for the 2024/2025 Programme for Government cover two areas: Delivering Fair Funding by 2026 Transparent voluntary sector funding This paper focuses on Fair Funding, a long-term, flexible, sustainable, and accessible approach to funding essential... Read more

Summary of proposals Our proposals for the 2024/2025 Programme for Government cover two areas: Delivering Fair Funding by 2026 Transparent funding This paper focuses on transparent funding which is essential for everyone’s understanding of Scottish Government’s investment in the... Read more

Summary SCVO welcomed the Scottish Government commitment to deliver ‘Fairer Funding’ by 2026 in the Policy Prospectus, New leadership - A fresh start, but there was little action on that in the Budget. Our sector continues to face unprecedented pressures. Delivering Fair Funding... Read more

SCVO were invited to give evidence to the Finance and Public Administration Committee on the 9th of January 2024 as part of the Committee’s scrutiny of the 2024-25 Scottish budget. SCVO were also invited to suggest key issues that the Committee should be made aware of. For SCVO... Read more

The problem Action is urgently needed in the 2024/2025 Scottish Budget to secure the voluntary sector’s essential services. The cost-of-living crisis continues to squeeze voluntary organisations – with demand for services increasing, costs rising, and financial uncertainty... Read more

The Problem Scotland's voluntary sector is an employer, a partner, and a vital social and economic actor which employs over 135,000 paid staff and works with more than 1.2 million volunteers to support people and communities across Scotland. The Scottish Government’s policy... Read more

About our response SCVO welcomes the opportunity to give evidence to the Social Justice and Social Security Committee ahead of the 2024/25 Scottish Budget. Our submission draws on evidence from: SCVO’s engagement with the Social Justice and Social Security Committee... Read more

Context Scotland has exemplary commitments to becoming a Fair Work Nation and has clear guidance in place on what “fair work” means. The five pillars of Fair Work are: Effective voice Respect Opportunity Fulfillment Security Scotland’s third sector is supportive of these... Read more

Our proposals for the Programme for Government 2023/2024 cover three areas: Delivering Fair Funding by 2026 Transparent voluntary sector fundingCharity regulation for a modern voluntary sector. This paper focuses on bringing transparency to Scottish Government’s funding of the... Read more

Our proposals for the Programme for Government 2023/2024 cover three areas: Delivering Fair Funding by 2026 Transparent voluntary sector fundingCharity regulation for a modern voluntary sector. This paper focuses on Fair Funding, a long-term, flexible, sustainable, and accessible... Read more

Our proposals for the Programme for Government 2023/2024 cover three areas: Delivering Fair Funding by 2026 Transparent voluntary sector fundingCharity regulation for a modern voluntary sector. This paper focuses on the need for an independent review of charity regulation in... Read more

Current Context Voluntary organisations are crucial to Scottish society. This has never been more evident than over the course of the last few years, but we cannot forget that, long before the pandemic and the cost-of-living crisis, charities have been relied upon on a daily... Read more

About our response The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations (SCVO) welcomes the opportunity to submit evidence to the Finance and Public Administration Committee's inquiry into the Scottish Government’s Public Service Reform programme. The Scottish Government’s commitment... Read more

Responding to the Scottish Government’s policy prospectus, New leadership – A fresh start, SCVO Chief Executive Anna Fowlie, said: “I welcome the Scottish Government’s latest commitment to progress Fairer Funding across its support for the voluntary sector, including the... Read more

Following the Spring Statement in which the Chancellor announced over £100 million to support charities and community organisations in England, SCVO has written to Deputy First Minister, John Swinney MSP, for clarity on how the full Barnett consequentials will be used to support... Read more

The Finance and Public Administration Committee at the Scottish Parliament has started to scrutinise what funding will replace EU Structural Funds in Scotland. SCVO and TSI Scotland Network submitted a joint letter to the committee ahead of an evidence session with Michael Gove... Read more

About our response SCVO takes transparency and accountability of voluntary organisations seriously, as well as issues that could have potential risks for the voluntary sector in Scotland. We have undertaken substantial scoping work and engagement with voluntary organisations to... Read more

Summary and Calls to Action The Covid-19 pandemic and cost-of-living crisis are the latest chapters in a longer story of instability and unpredictability in voluntary sector funding. The cost-of-living crisis has, for many organisations, increased demand for the essential... Read more

About our response SCVO takes transparency and accountability of voluntary organisations seriously, as well as issues that could have potential risks for the voluntary sector in Scotland. We have undertaken substantial scoping work and engagement with voluntary organisations to... Read more

Summary Over the past 18 months SCVO has worked with its members, as well as partners across local and national governments, to gather information and data on collaboration and partnership working across sectors. Evidence from these reports can be found throughout our submission... Read more

Here we set out the principles of Fair Funding that we have developed with Scotland's voluntary sector. This version of the principles includes asks of Scottish Government, and can be read in conjunction with asks for local government and other actors developed by the TSI... Read more

Following the Scottish Budget 2023/24 on the 15th of December 2022, SCVO produced this summary of commitments impacting the voluntary sector operating environment. This paper also includes analysis from key commentators on the impacts of these commitments. SCVO will host a... Read more

Key points The problem Action is urgently needed in the 2023/2024 Scottish Budget to secure the voluntary sector’s essential services. The cost-of-living crisis will continue to increase demand for voluntary organisations’ essential services. 64% of organisations have reported... Read more

Should voluntary organisations be designated under freedom of information (FoI) legislation if they are publicly funded and the services they deliver are of a public nature? That is the question put to you in a consultation by Katy Clark MSP, who proposes a bill to reform FoI... Read more

This briefing has been prepared by Paul Bradley (SCVO) and Sarah Latto (Volunteer Scotland) for MPs with constituencies in Scotland ahead of an in-person briefing at Portcullis House on 30 November. The briefing was sent on 14 November, three days before the UK Autumn Budget... Read more

Following the UK Government’s Autumn Statement 2022, SCVO has produced the below summary of commitments impacting the voluntary sector operating environment. The summary also includes analysis from key commentators on the impacts of these commitments. The early reaction is that... Read more

Find out more about the evidence we have collected from voluntary organisations to develop our call for a fairer deal on funding.   Read more

SCVO is calling for the Energy Bills Relief Scheme to be extended to voluntary sector non-domestic customers beyond March and for an urgent announcement of how off-grid voluntary organisations will be supported under the current scheme. If, as suggested, changes are to be made to... Read more

Visit SCVO’s Running Costs Crisis hub to find more information, news and updates from us on the cost of living and running costs crisis.   Read more

About our response SCVO welcomes the opportunity to provide written evidence in advance of the oral evidence session with the Social Justice and Social Security Committee as part of the committee’s pre-budget scrutiny. Our submission draws on evidence from: SCVO support services... Read more

About SCVO The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations (SCVO) is the national body representing the voluntary sector (sometimes referred to as the third sector). We champion our sector’s social and economic contribution, provide essential services, and debate big issues... Read more

The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations (SCVO) welcomes the opportunity to put forward proposals for the Scottish Government’s 2022/2023 Programme for Government. SCVO is dedicated to creating a fair and sustainable operating environment for Scotland’s voluntary... Read more

What’s your view of how purposeful business practices generally are in Scotland now? SCVO has supported voluntary organisations to make Scotland a better place since 1944. The past few decades have seen a significant shift to the ways the public, private and voluntary sectors... Read more

About SCVO The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations (SCVO) is the national membership body for Scotland’s vibrant voluntary sector. We champion the sector, provide services and debate big issues. We’re passionate about what the voluntary sector can achieve. Along with our... Read more

SCVO produced this summary of commitments impacting the voluntary sector operating environment. Read more

Briefing to the Scottish Parliament's Finance and Public Administration Committee ahead of the committee's evidence session with the UK Government's Secretary of State for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities. Summary The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations (SCVO... Read more

Download a PDF version of this paper. Overview The Scottish Government has published a ‘consultative framework document’ on its forthcoming Scottish Resource Spending Review. Resource Spending is the spending on day-to-day running costs of government programmes and administration... Read more

Scottish Budget 2022/23 Summary The third sector fiscal resource budget will receive an £800,000 (3.5%) cut to its funding This budget line funds support across the whole voluntary sector including many recent Scottish Government commitments welcomed by organisations across the... Read more

SCVO Scottish Budget Summary 2021 Following the Scottish Budget on the 9th of December 2021 (2022-2023) SCVO produced this summary of commitments impacting the voluntary sector and analysis of these commitments. SCVO also held webinar on 14th December 2021 to help voluntary... Read more

The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations (SCVO) was invited to provide additional evidence following our written and oral evidence to the Scottish Parliament's Social Justice and Social Security Committee on the resilience and recovery of Scotland’s voluntary sector – you... Read more

Download briefing PDF About us Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations (SCVO) is the national membership organisation for the voluntary sector. We champion the sector, provide services, and debate big issues. Along with our community of 2,600+ members, we believe that... Read more

SCVO briefing to the Scottish Parliament's Social Justice and Social Security Committee ahead of appearing at committee on 9 December 2021. About this submission The turbulence of the pandemic has exposed how important it is for Scotland's voluntary sector to be adaptable and... Read more

Following the UK Government Spending Review 2021 SCVO produced this summary of commitments impacting the voluntary sector and key analysis of these commitments. Background This was the Chancellor’s third Budget and first multi-annual Spending Review. The 2021 Spending Review is... Read more

Contributors to this report are: • Health and Social Care Alliance Scotland (the ALLIANCE) • Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations (SCVO) • Inclusion Scotland • Human Rights Consortium Scotland • Engender • Scottish Environment LINK • Citizens’ Rights Project • Scottish... Read more

June 2021 SCVO Briefing Scottish Government Economic Recovery Debate June 2021Download Summary The voluntary sector’s huge role in Scotland’s economy extends well beyond the 100,000+ people it employs and an annual turnover of over £6 billion.The Scottish voluntary sector works... Read more

SCVO briefing on Defamation and Malicious Publication (Scotland) Bill Stage TwoDownload About SCVO The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations (SCVO) is the national membership organisation for the voluntary sector. We champion the sector, provide services, and debate big... Read more

1 December 2020 About SCVO The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations (SCVO) is the national membership organisation for the voluntary sector. We champion the sector, provide services, and debate big issues. Along with our community of 2,000+ members, we believe that... Read more

SCVO Briefing - Defamation and Malicious Publication (Scotland) Bill Stage One debate - PDF versionDownload Summary of our position The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations (SCVO) supports the exemption for charities under part two of the Defamation and Malicious... Read more

SCVO Access to Community Facilities BriefingDownload Introduction Having access to community facilities play an invaluable role for all of us, providing a space for sport, drama, youth support and a whole host of other activities, bringing people together and enriching our lives... Read more

SCVO briefing to Scottish Parliament Download a PDF version of this briefingDownload Our position As the Committee noted in its November 2019 pre-budget scrutiny report, the voluntary sector has a key role to play in support of the equalities and human rights agendas in Scotland... Read more

Download a PDF of this paperDownload About SCVO The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations (SCVO) is the national membership organisation for the voluntary sector. We champion the sector, provide services, and debate big issues. Along with our community of 2,000+ members... Read more

September 2020 Download a PDF version of this briefingDownload About SCVO The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations (SCVO) is the national membership organisation for the voluntary sector. We champion the sector, provide services, and debate big issues. Along with our... Read more

About SCVO The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations (SCVO) is the national membership organisation for the voluntary sector. We champion the sector, provide services, and debate big issues. Along with our community of 2,000+ members, we believe that charities, social... Read more

SCVO briefing to the Scottish Parliament - Debate: COVID-19 Next Steps (Communities) SCVO briefing - coronavirus, next steps & communities - June 2020Download About SCVO The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations (SCVO) is the national membership organisation for the... Read more

COVID-19-Framework-for-Decision-MakingDownload Summary The voluntary sector’s contribution during the coronavirus outbreak in Scotland is recognised in the First Minister’s introduction to the Framework for Decision Making, and that is to be welcomed. The collective response of... Read more

View the PDF version of this document Our position For many of Scotland’s charities and community groups delivering essential services, the outlook for 2020 remains ‘unsettled’. Respondents to our 2019 Sector Forecast Survey are concerned about the overall financial picture – for... Read more

SCVO and SES briefing to the Scottish Parliament 20 January 2020 Summary The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations and Social Enterprise Scotland support this Bill. We welcome the development of a Scottish National Investment Bank that works for the whole of Scotland, in... Read more

When the Scottish Government announced in November 2019 that the budget would be postponed, due to the general election, SCVO recognised that the delay would impact on funding decisions for the voluntary sector. The delay and uncertainty will likely cause significant challenges... Read more

SCVO and SES briefing to the Scottish Parliament 18 November 2019 Download a copy of this briefingDownload Summary The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations and Social Enterprise Scotland support this bill and welcome the development of a Scottish National Investment Bank... Read more

Introduction The current settled status scheme places the human rights of EU citizens at fundamental risk – their right to their private and family life, to work, to health and to social security are undermined. EU citizens have been living here as a right, but will now be... Read more

SCVO and SES briefing to the Scottish Parliament September 2019 Summary This briefing sets out both the Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisation’s (SCVO) and Social Enterprise Scotland’s (SES) support for the Scottish National Investment Bank Bill – on the condition that this... Read more

22 May 2019 SCVO-Submission-to-UN-Special-Rapporteur-on-extreme-poverty-and-human-rights-Final-21-May2019Download The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations (SCVO), our members, and the wider third sector welcome the exploration by the UN Special Rapporteur on extreme... Read more

SCVO submission to the Economy, Energy and Fair Work Committee on the Scottish National Investment Bank 03 May 2019 SCVO submission on the SNIB to the Economy Energy and Fair Work CommitteeDownload Our position SCVO welcome the proposals for a Scottish National Investment Bank... Read more

12 March 2019 PDF: SCVO Briefing - Fair Work Action Plan - March 2019Download Our position SCVO is supportive of the Scottish Government’s commitment to Fair Work agenda and welcomes the Fair Work Action Plan. However SCVO believes that the current procurement and commissioning... Read more

Download PDF Third Sector Forecast 2019Download The sector continues to face the twin challenges of increasing demand against a backdrop of funding challenges, particularly shrinking public sector budgets and the direct and knock-on effect of local authority cuts on voluntary... Read more

SCVO Briefing to Scottish Parliament 21 January 2019 Download a PDF version of this document Summary Reduced funding is resulting in high levels of uncertainty for the people and communities who rely on personalised services delivered by Scotland’s third sector and the staff and... Read more

Thursday 20 December 2018 Download the PDF version of this document Our Position There are currently an estimated 3,500 EU nationals directly employed in the Scottish third sector, based on 2016 and 2017 data. EU nationals make an invaluable to Scotland’s third sector – as well... Read more

13 December 2018 Download PDF version of this document Introduction The Cabinet Secretary for Finance, Economy and Fair Work has announced the Scottish Government’s Autumn Budget only months before the UK’s scheduled exit from the European Union. It comes amidst the uncertainties... Read more

Thursday 13 December 2018 Download a PDF version of this document. Our position Seventy years ago the Universal Declaration on Human Rights was accepted by the United Nations General Assembly. Since then, despite many setbacks, great strides have been made both at home and abroad... Read more

Protecting Our Interests: Scotland’s Response to the UK Government and EU’s Withdrawal Agreement and Political Declaration Wednesday 05 December 2018 Download the PDF version of this document. Our position The Withdrawal Agreement and Political Declaration put on offer by UK... Read more

SCVO - Scottish Government Core Contribution Framework 20 November 2018 View the Core Grant Plan 2018-20. The Core Contribution - Context SCVO works with the Scottish Government to support, promote and develop the third sector in Scotland. The Third Sector Unit in the Equalities... Read more

SCVO Brief on UK Budget 2018: The unknown - Brexit and Spending Review 30 October 2018 The Chancellor of the Exchequer has announced the UK Government’s Autumn Budget only months before the UK exits the European Union and amidst the uncertainties of what a UK economy will look... Read more

SCVO Brief for the House of Commons Opposition Day Debate on 17 October 2018: The Rollout of Universal Credit 15 October 2018 Download a PDF version of this briefing Our position The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations (SCVO), our members, and the wider third sector... Read more

13 September 2018 Download the PDF - SCVO response to UN Special Rapporteur on extreme poverty and human rights Our position The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations (SCVO), our members, and the wider third sector welcome the UN Special Rapporteur on extreme poverty and... Read more

Protecting Vulnerable Groups Scotland SCVO response to Scottish Government - 19 July 2018 Download PDF version of this document: Protecting Vulnerable Groups Scotland - July 2018 Our position Volunteer checks should always be free for volunteers Clarity about the role of trustees... Read more

Debate on Draft National Outcomes – SCVO Briefing SCVO briefing to Scottish Parliament 23 May 2018 Download the PDF version of this briefing Our position We strongly welcome all the revised National Outcomes. And the Sustainable Development Goals being used to frame them. On the... Read more

6 February 2018 Our position In December 2017, the Scottish Government announced plans to invest £600 million to meet its commitment to delivering 100% superfast broadband coverage by 2021. This will reduce the rural inequality of access to high speed internet connections... Read more

Briefing Paper: Stage 3 Reading of Social Security (Scotland) Bill 25 April 2018 View the PDF version of this document Our position SCVO, our members, and the wider third sector welcome the significant progress that has been made to strengthen the Bill at Stage 2. However, as we... Read more

EU Nationals living and working in Scotland SVO Briefing April 2018 Print PDF version here The following briefing is based on SCVO analysis of data from the Annual Population Survey (APS) and Labour Force Survey (LFS), between 2015 and 2017. General figures on EU nationals living... Read more

Engender’s call for evidence on CEDAW - SCVO response 3 April 2018 Read the Word version of this document Introduction This is SCVO’s response to Engender’s call for evidence on CEDAW. We have been encouraging our members to also respond – through a blog that Engender’s Jill Wood... Read more

Opposition Debate on Procurement (S5M-10962) SCVO briefing 13 March 2018 Summary • Procurement can be a force for good, improving social, health and income inequalities. Action on this will ensure that procurement is used to tackle poverty and inequality. • The use of the Living... Read more

SCVO briefing ahead of Scottish Government Debate: International Women’s Day 8th March 2018 Summary As just last week, more statistics highlight more issues we’re yet to address in terms of gender equality[1], we look to International Women’s Day as a reminder of how far we still... Read more

Briefing Paper: Stage 2 Reading of Social Security (Scotland) Bill – Part 3 21 February 2018 View the full document here: SCVO Social Security Bill Briefing Stage 2 Part 3 Our position The Scottish Government’s aspiration to take a rights-based approach to social security has... Read more

SCVO Briefing, February 2018 This briefing presents and analyses the findings from a survey of the general public in Scotland on trust, confidence and support of charities. The key findings are based on a telephone survey of 1,088 respondents (adults aged 16+) commissioned by... Read more

Briefing Paper: Stage 2 Reading of Social Security (Scotland) Bill – Part 2 07 February 2018 Download as PDF - SCVO Social Security Bill Briefing Stage 2 Part 2 Our position The Scottish Government’s aspirations to take a rights based approach to social security has been welcomed... Read more

SCVO briefing to Scottish Parliament 31 January 2018 Our position Income tax cuts for the low paid will not significantly reduce poverty in Scotland, given that large numbers of those in poverty in Scotland do not pay income tax. The Scottish Government must use the benefits... Read more

Briefing Paper: Social Security (Scotland) Bill 6 December 2017 Our position The Scottish Government’s aspirations to take a rights based approach to social security has been welcomed by SCVO, our members, and the wider third sector who recognise that a rights-based approach can... Read more

September 2017 Summary Introduction Here at SCVO we have been engaging our members in a wide-ranging conversation on tax and spending options, in order to find out what are the suggestions the third sector would like to bring to the table ahead of this year’s budget. We have... Read more

Affordable Internet Campaign 04 December 2017 Our position The Scottish Government will shortly make an investment of £400-£600 million to meet its commitment to delivering 100% superfast broadband coverage by 2021. This will reduce the rural inequality of access to high speed... Read more

Summary SCVO briefing 04 October 2017 The contracts awarded today sees the vast majority of contracts – 80 per cent – being awarded to the private sector, with only a small percentage of contracts being won by the third sector. This does not meet the Scottish Government’s... Read more

Final Report: Commission on Parliamentary Reform 20 June 2017 View PDF version here - Final Report Commission on Parliamentary Reform Introduction The Commission for Parliamentary Reform opened established in October 2016 by the Scottish Parliament’s Presiding Officer, Ken... Read more

Insights for 2017: Volunteers and Boards This briefing explores issues around volunteering and boards. View the PDF version of this briefing. SCVO Sector Forecast for 2017 Scottish Household Survey Volunteer Scotland Key facts 27% of Scottish adults volunteer Over 1.2million... Read more

Devolved Employability Programmes: A third sector critique SCVO briefing | 25 May 2017 View the report as a PDF - SCVO - Employability Landscape Critique May 2017 Our position The decision to adopt a single contract with each CPA has minimised the involvement of small and medium... Read more

The Future of Social Care in Scotland View this document as a PDF May 2017 This paper is presented as an accompanying discussion paper to Jo Armstrong’s analysis ‘Scotland’s social care sector: The financial evidence that is driving change.' Introduction Scotland’s vibrant third... Read more

Our position SCVO has always advocated the position that devolution remains a work in progress and that there is always a discussion to be had about where power should ideally rest. As Scotland enters another period of constitutional contemplation, we believe the ensuing debate... Read more

Introduction In 2016 the Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations (SCVO) produced the Right Approach campaign to promote and encourage human rights-based approaches in the Scottish third sector. Following on from SCVO’s interim report produced in June 2016, this document sets... Read more

Briefing The importance of our communities - particularly those whose voices are least heard - must be remembered during this budget debate. As all MSPs recognise, the decisions they make during the debate will have a very real impact on the lives of individuals, and we hope that... Read more

SCVO briefing Health and Social Care Standards Our response The Scottish Council of Voluntary Organisations (SCVO) welcomes the opportunity to respond to this consultation on the new National Health and Social Care Standards. Social care amounts to over a quarter of the third... Read more

Scottish Government Budget Proposals Living Wage Social Care Sector Additional investment of £107 million from NHS Boards to Integration Authorities to support delivery of the Living Wage for social care workers. Employment/Employability Deliver a Scottish employment service from... Read more