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Supporting Scotland's vibrant voluntary sector

Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations

The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations is the membership organisation for Scotland's charities, voluntary organisations and social enterprises. Charity registered in Scotland SC003558. Registered office Mansfield Traquair Centre, 15 Mansfield Place, Edinburgh EH3 6BB.

Ruchir Shah

Latest posts by Ruchir Shah

HEALTH AND SPORT COMMITTEE - SOCIAL PRESCRIBING OF PHYSICAL ACTIVITY AND SPORT 29 August 2019 SCVO submission - Social prescribing of physical activity and sportDownload Our position Helping people towards making connections with other people and activities is the essence of... Read more

Well, after almost a fifth of a century, I'll be leaving SCVO - and what a ride it's been! Welfare rights activists defending the most vulnerable in Parliament. 200,000 people circling around Edinburgh to march against poverty. Work colleagues arriving, making their mark, then... Read more

02 July 2019 Public-Health-Scotland-Scottish-Government-SCVO-Response-June-2019Download Our position Governance of the new Public Health Scotland body needs to model a transparent, accountable and participative approach Public Health Reform must take a whole systems approach... Read more

SCVO response to Scottish Government - 5 June 2019 Devolved-Tax-A-Policy-framework-Scottish-Government-Consultation-June-2019Download Our position Scottish Government should now aim to engage a wider group of people and organisations in devolved tax policy, using digital... Read more

SCVO response to Scottish Parliament 03 May 2019 Funding of EU Structural Fund Priorities in ScotlandDownload Our positions Scottish Parliament should be the ultimate accountable body for any post-Brexit Structural Funds in Scotland. Any budget that is allocated to a UK wide fund... Read more

​SCVO response to Scottish Government 27 November 2018 Our position SCVO strongly welcomes the Draft Action Plan as it helps give Open Government a home within Scottish Government But SCVO is aware of several parts of Government that appear prepared to be much more ambitious than... Read more

SCVO - Scottish Government Core Contribution Framework 20 November 2018 View the Core Grant Plan 2018-20. The Core Contribution - Context SCVO works with the Scottish Government to support, promote and develop the third sector in Scotland. The Third Sector Unit in the Equalities... Read more

Adult social care reform for Scotland – discussion paper SCVO response to COSLA and Scottish Government 17 October 2018 Download a PDF copy of this paper Our position SCVO welcomes the discussion on reforming adult social care. Third sector must be a key participant in this... Read more

SCVO response to UK Government 05 September 2018 This paper is now: Published Our Position SCVO supports the society lottery annual sales limit being increased to £100 million.We hold that the society lotteries and the National Lottery complement each other in raising funds to... Read more

SCVO response: Scottish Parliament Health & Sport Committee 13 August 2018 Download a PDF version of this response Our position SCVO regards the Bill’s provisions around social care services as unnecessary. Any future legislative proposals in this area that affect the third... Read more