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Funding Scotland

Supporting Scotland's vibrant voluntary sector

Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations

The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations is the membership organisation for Scotland's charities, voluntary organisations and social enterprises. Charity registered in Scotland SC003558. Registered office Mansfield Traquair Centre, 15 Mansfield Place, Edinburgh EH3 6BB.

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Scottish Fairtrade group teams up with Homeless World Cup

Glasgow-based ​Bala Sport is providing over 300 footballs for the Homeless World Cup to help ensure fair pay and working conditions for football manufacturers

World leading tech firms coming to Glasgow to offer help to charities

Google, Skyscanner and the Technology Trust among those to offer up their secrets at The Gathering this

Annie Lennox to headline TEDx Glasgow

The Eurythmics singer will speak about global feminism, with a host of other inspirational speakers on the bill

Scottish charities need to deliver more digital services

​Ross McCulloch says charities need to start thinking about how they can provide more digital services to improve people's lives

A Call to Action: Agenda 2018

We’ve been in touch with many of them through events, including our leadership discussion and practical,seminars at The Gathering 2017, learning events with Skyscanner, Microsoft and Google, and a whole range,of subject specific Meetup events.,Given all our other events we expect places to book up fast.

Skyscanner return with more secrets to our success!

Skyscanner OneDay workshops At Skyscanner, we take one day each year to close down our 11 offices around,marathon in Singapore (40 storeys up a skyscraper), plant over 40 trees in Sofia as well as many other events,A group of us in Edinburgh wanted to use some of the skillsets we have in Skyscanner and make them available,We received a phenomenal response from the attendees of the event and we had a blast doing it.,Mike Hall Tech Manager, Skyscanner.

Organisational culture is key to digital success

Ahead of the SCVO 3rdsectordigicamp event on 2 November, Neil Clapperton, CEO of Grampian Housing, writes,It’s bracing to see companies like Skyscanner or Uber place such a strong emphasis on the creative.