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Funding Scotland

Supporting Scotland's vibrant voluntary sector

Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations

The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations is the membership organisation for Scotland's charities, voluntary organisations and social enterprises. Charity registered in Scotland SC003558. Registered office Mansfield Traquair Centre, 15 Mansfield Place, Edinburgh EH3 6BB.

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Submission to UN Special Rapporteur on extreme poverty and human rights

third sector welcome the UN Special Rapporteur on extreme poverty and human rights, Philip Alston, to,During engagement events and in our ‘State of the Sector’ survey, the threat to human rights protections,Even if EU legislation is transposed into domestic legislation, there is a risk that human rights in,Similarly, the Scotland Declaration on Human Rights, supported by over 170 civil society organisations,A co-ordinated vision to tackle poverty and inequality, realise rights and achieve the Sustainable Development

Right Approach Campaign: July - December 2016

rights issues, including: promoting gender equality integrating health and social care tackling mental,health stigma combatting food insecurity ensuring children have a voice in decision making tackling,Rights Core Group meeting Aug-16 Scottish Campaign on Welfare Reform (SCOWR) held roundtable on social,Electoral Reform Society Sep-16 Met Human Rights Consortium to discuss campaign and future proposals,Review event Oct-16 Attended SHRC meeting reviewing the Scottish National Action Plan on Human Rights

Briefing: issues for the third sector beyond 2016

Human rights-based approaches: they’re our rights “People around the world are fighting for basic human,However, we can’t champion human rights alone.,any attempt to repeal the Human Rights Act.,Scottish Campaign on Welfare Reform: Promote a positive approach to social security.,Respect for human rights should be the cornerstone of a new approach to welfare.

Community Capacity & Resilience Fund - Interim Report

on the impact of welfare reform on LGBT plus people, giving information sessions and food parcels to,Welfare reform research and engagement activities previously carried out by SCVO led to constructive,SCVO’s engagement officer offered additional welfare reform guidance, funding information and network,reform Develop a pilot project which focuses on tackling the impact of welfare reform and inequality,He then supported Mr B to obtain the services of an experienced welfare rights officer, who then led

Call for Evidence, Welfare Reform Committee - The Future of Social Security

Reform Committee.,Impact of Welfare Reform and Work Bill We would like to raise concerns with the Committee about the potential,impact of the recent Emergency Budget announcements and the Welfare Reform and Work Bill on the devolution,SCVO’s “Positive Principles” paper and the Scottish Campaign on Welfare Reform.,As the 1998 Scotland Act which requires Ministers and MSPs to positively take forward key UN Human Rights

It could have been much worse…

The irony of the pomp and circumstance surrounding this event was not lost on me either.,Simon Duffy (of the Centre for Welfare Reform) described the government, pre-election, as the worst in,Nebulous phrases such as “tackling extremism” don’t help communities to become more connected.,Speech could have been much worse – we have been spared, for now, from further damaging attacks on the human,rights legal framework.

SCVO response: Smith Commission

is responsible for all human rights issues related to reserved matters, it is not accountable to the,and the UK Parliament’s on human rights as seen in the UK government proposals to replace the Human,the European Convention on Human Rights and Scotland’s National Action Plan for Human Rights (SNAP),,of the level of support for human rights based approaches in Scotland.,In the event of the devolution of welfare to the Scottish Parliament they call for this issue to be an

A new democracy for Scotland: Discussion paper by the Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations

know that the very people most affected by decisions supposedly made in their interest e.g. around welfare,These services should reflect local priorities, as well as promoting national standards and human rights,rights and environmental impact.,The Scottish National Action Plan on Human Rights (SNAP) in 2013 set out a rights-based approach in Scottish,Review Group, Scottish Government 2014

Smith Commission - SCVO interim response

It should now be obvious that devolution is a process rather than an event and we think that the primary,Equality and human rights Devolution of equality law will be supported by many voluntary organisations,However, it could be argued that tackling fuel poverty needs wider input from other policy areas e.g.,It would also give greater assurance to the right of redress.,References [i]

SCVO briefing: Scottish Government Debate on Welfare – 13 August 2014

This has been acknowledged in the work of the Scottish Parliament’s Welfare Reform Committee [ii] There,Throughout the process of welfare reform, the voice of the sector in challenging the benefit cuts and,The lack of a human rights focus in the draft legislation, indicating how those in crisis or those needing,how the Scottish Government is responding to UK welfare reform.,Regardless of the result of the referendum, tackling the failure of our benefits system to help people