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Funding Scotland

Supporting Scotland's vibrant voluntary sector

Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations

The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations is the membership organisation for Scotland's charities, voluntary organisations and social enterprises. Charity registered in Scotland SC003558. Registered office Mansfield Traquair Centre, 15 Mansfield Place, Edinburgh EH3 6BB.

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Exclusive: funding fears as Big Lottery Scotland sheds 22 posts

Restructure sees a shift in priorities for Scotland's biggest independent funder

Bank account comparison table

CAF Cash Account Deposit cash at any Post Office, and RBS or HSBC.,No minimum deposit required and no turnover limitations Account management online, by phone or by post,Free online and day-to-day banking services when in credit Access to high street branch network and at Post,Office branches Account management online, by phone or by post Can apply for funding for up to £1,000,from the Customer Donation Fund Can have up to four signatories for the account HSBC Charitable Bank

Affordable Homes

This was a vital step before the campaign to increase the affordable home target as, without the funding,again to government and subsequently announced a target of 50,000 affordable homes, accompanied by funding,“It is vital that post-2021, social housing providers can continue to deliver the housing that Scotland,The increase in the affordable homes target and the funding of £3 billion has allowed housing associations,SFHA, Shelter Scotland and CIH Scotland are working on new research into affordable housing need post

Scotland's Digital Participation Challenge fund

Our Digital Participation Challenge Fund, supported by the Scottish Government, the ERDF and BT, invests,Project criteria Projects must meet some broad criteria to be considered for funding.,fill out a short questionnaire to gauge their basic digital skills Provide regular progress updates by posting,Funding awards Call 3 (Winter 2015) We received funding applications totalling over £700,000 for the,You can find out more about what’s been funded on our project pages.

Common Concerns, Questions & Pushbacks

When we discuss the need for Fair Funding, it’s important to be aware that questions or comments may,be made that seek to either dismiss the need for Fair Funding or provide excuses for how it cannot be

Community & Third Sector Recovery Programme

data we collect and what we use it for, within the Adapt and Thrive Programme and Communities Recovery Fund,Where your application identifies activity that relates to another fund within the Covid-19 emergency,funding package, the application may be shared with other relevant Scottish Government departments and,To submit a request for your data, please contact us by email, post or telephone, please use the contact

Scottish Charity Awards winners - 2014

Despite a long-term grant coming to an end, and a reduction in core funding from Glasgow City Council,Chance- Ravelrig Riding for the Disabled, BalernoPerfect Partnership - The Kiltwalk and The Sunday Post,Iconic children’s hero Oor Wullie helped The Kiltwalk charity and The Sunday Post newspaper to the Perfect

About the Scottish Third Sector Tracker

behalf of SCVO, the Scottish Government, the William Grant Foundation and the National Lottery Community Fund,finding out more information on the impact of the first phase of the Tracker, please read this blog post

State of the Sector in 2022: recovering from Covid

stepped up to deliver new services and meet increased demand, with many accessing additional crisis funding,income from trading and in-person activities were mitigated by a £1bn (50%) boost in public sector funding,However, we know that much of the sector’s funding was dependent on post-Covid recovery grants and one-off,payments, and funding remains a top challenge for the sector.,As we moved into the post-Covid recovery phase, the Scottish charity sector's overall income started

Cost of living & the #RunningCostsCrisis

We’re here to help with our information on a range of topics, from getting and keeping funding, to business,more about: Reserves Business planning Mergers and collaborative working How to make the most of your funding,Our position paper on the need for Fair Funding has led the Scottish Government to commit to fairer funding,Last year MSPs used our briefings to secure commitments to multi-year funding from the Cabinet Secretary,Good governance and difficult decision making Rethinking reserves Property options in a post-pandemic