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Funding Scotland

Supporting Scotland's vibrant voluntary sector

Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations

The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations is the membership organisation for Scotland's charities, voluntary organisations and social enterprises. Charity registered in Scotland SC003558. Registered office Mansfield Traquair Centre, 15 Mansfield Place, Edinburgh EH3 6BB.

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Scotland's Digital Participation Challenge fund

Our Digital Participation Challenge Fund, supported by the Scottish Government, the ERDF and BT, invests,in community digital participation projects across Scotland.,Leadership Group made 33 direct offers of funding for digital participation projects.,organisations that have signed Scotland’s Digital Participation Charter.,organisations that have signed Scotland’s Digital Participation Charter.


Exclusive membership benefits and support networks A strong community of voluntary organisations of all sizes Shape the future of the voluntary sector in Scotland Meet our members SCVO members are part of a community of organisations. Membership directory Our latest members East...

Scotland's Digital Participation Charter Fund

Over the past three years, the Digital Participation Challenge Fund and Charter Fund have supported 126,projects across Scotland to get people online and develop basic digital skills.,Supported by the Scottish Government and BT, the new Digital Participation Charter Fund is now open for

National Third Sector Fund (NTSF)

NTSF was a seven-year project supported by the European Social Fund Programme (2014 – 2020).,The European Social Fund was managed by the Scottish Government and the lead partner for the NTSF project,For two years of the project the grant rate in LUPS was 50% whilst in the Highlands and Islands it was,Participants were mainly in Stages 1 and 2 of the employability pipelines.,from 1 April 2017 **Project Scotland, now Volunteering Matters participated from 1 July 2019 Find out

NTSF ProjectScotland

the result of a co-design consultation in conjunction with Napier University, Young Scot and SAMH, Project,The study helped Project Scotland build a service that promotes positivity.,Project Scotland actively seeks participants for the programme.,This includes volunteering outdoors where participants develop practical skills such as building paths,The diversity of the volunteering opportunities available helps the participants identify the path best

NTSF Right Track

Participants not in receipt of a recognised DWP benefit receive ÂŁ55 per week and assistance for travel,Within Right Track a key aim of this Project is to broaden horizons and as such the Project offers activity-based,There is a Participation Allowance of ÂŁ30 per 3-day week and lunch is provided each day.,All activity is project based, designed to broaden horizons, improve motivation, confidence and self-esteem,and promote participation in flexible training.


Over 80 schools have participated in this activity.,They assess the needs of the participant and produce a Vocational Profile, a key milestone in the project,On average, it will take 60 hours to compile and present a holistic assessment of the participant, identifying,The personalised one to one support and interventions assists the participant to overcome social and,With co-ordinators support participants are prepared to move to engagement in Stage 3 activity.

HR for creatives - action research

During the HR for creatives project, participating organisations took part in action research with TIALT

HR for creatives

So your participation will also help us reach more people and offer you better support in the future.,Participating organisations will share their HR learning journeys with a dedicated researcher.,shared so that other organisations across the arts, screen and creative industries can learn from participants,About Kathryn Willens Kathryn Willens has participated in project co-creation and is leading on developing,a resource base in response to the needs identified over the course of the project.

NTSF Delivery Partners

Participants are young people aged between 16 and 29, with multiple barriers to employment including,,Right Track projects are based in areas of above average disadvantage.,Project Scotland merged with Volunteering Matters in 2021.,Volunteering Matters is a UK charity with similar aims to Project Scotland.,Participants average 3 barriers each.