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Funding Scotland

Supporting Scotland's vibrant voluntary sector

Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations

The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations is the membership organisation for Scotland's charities, voluntary organisations and social enterprises. Charity registered in Scotland SC003558. Registered office Mansfield Traquair Centre, 15 Mansfield Place, Edinburgh EH3 6BB.

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SCVO environmental policy

What will we do When we have established our baseline position and set our targets, we will continuously,In partnership with relevant voluntary organisations such as Keep Scotland Beautiful and Zero Waste Scotland,The policy will be reviewed annually in line with our business plan.,This policy should be read in conjunction with our Travel and Subsistence Policy, all staff wellbeing,policies, procurement guidance and corporate partnerships policy.

Employee relations and conflict

Workplace conflict remains a fact of organisational life and needs to be managed positively and proactively,So, employers should work to ensure that good work and positive employee relations are a reality.,consultation, reinforced by continued reliance in many cases on industry-level bargaining and the public policy,emphasis on partnership.

Trustee Elections 2022

There were 11 candidates standing for election to 3 positions on the SCVO Board of Trustees.,by all political parties, I bring extensive experience of sharing the member voice in developing policy,I bring strategic leadership, skills audit, research, policy review, community/public engagement, critical,The chance to work in partnership with respected peers is rich.,I would bring a voice from an operational perspective linked to my understanding of current policy developments

Control & risk management

As the board, we should put in place appropriate structures, financial controls, policies and procedures,Maintaining and regularly reviewing policies, procedures and reporting arrangements (for example, those,Making sure that any agreements, contracts and partnership working are in line with our organisation’,controls in place and that we receive clear information so we can monitor our organisation’s financial position

Scottish Charity Awards winners - 2012

Scotland, train Scotland’s first 100 dementia champions and launch a Dementia Research Centre in partnership,thousands of people who support us, the dedication and hard work of all our staff and volunteers and to positive,and supportive partnerships withkey policy makers at all levels.”,Down’s Syndrome Scotland and the Celtic Foundation, who were shortlisted in the partnership category,,The Partnership Award went to Sue Ryder Care and the Scottish Prison Service.

Additional evidence on the resilience and recovery of Scotland's voluntary sector

reality of how voluntary organisations are involved in shaping and delivering Scotland's economic policy,It is one example of Scotland's economic policy not considering how the sector might have a different,We also need to address the disconnect between policy and practice concerning the sector's involvement,with the sector agreed at the policy level are implemented on the ground and in delivery.,Kind Regards, Paul Bradley Policy & Public Affairs Manager

Jargon buster

family member or in which the Trustee and / or family member has a substantial interest; a Scottish partnership,I Induction: A formal process of introduction to a new job or position within an organisation.,P Policies: statements which describe the desired conduct of the organisation, its volunteers and staff,Procedures: a written statement that describes the way in which a policy will be implemented.,Succession: a process of one person leaving a job or position and another replacing that person.

Scottish Charity Awards winners - 2013

the UK to launch marriage equality legislation in December 2012 when a draft Marriage and Civil Partnership,Tom French, policy coordinator for the Equality Network, said: “With the equal marriage bill set to be,The Scottish Refugee Council and Aberlour Child Care Trust celebrated winning the Partnership Award,,with 120 highly vulnerable young people between 2010 and 2012 and doubled their chances ofgetting positive

A new covenant with civil society – what does it mean for Scotland?

Both spoke constructively, positively and respectfully about the important role the voluntary sector,It should lead to meaningful engagement in policy-making and partnership rather than transactional relationships,In Wales partnership between the voluntary sector and Welsh Government has been enshrined in legislation

SCVO Annual Review 2020-21

one-stop-shop funding hub have been vital to our members and the wider voluntary sector, attracting positive,one-stop-shop funding hub have been vital to our members and the wider voluntary sector, attracting positive,We have worked in partnership with Scottish Government on the pandemic response as well as on policy,Policy Insights into our policy work and how we have worked to support and advocate for the sector We,Our Policy team identified six key areas of focus for our policy work: CoronavirusEconomic actorEuropeEmployerPartnershipsRegulation

Get involved

Collaborate with us and our members to develop and promote voluntary sector policy perspectives for Scotland