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Funding Scotland

Supporting Scotland's vibrant voluntary sector

Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations

The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations is the membership organisation for Scotland's charities, voluntary organisations and social enterprises. Charity registered in Scotland SC003558. Registered office Mansfield Traquair Centre, 15 Mansfield Place, Edinburgh EH3 6BB.

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It’s important to get it right from the start as your staff can be your most valuable asset.,RECRUITMENT & INDUCTION Start by planning ahead and thinking about the wider objectives of your organisation,Make sure you recruit employees effectively and fairly.,Once you’ve done the hard work of recruitment, make sure your new employee has a well-organised induction,for your employees.

What to include in your induction

new employee from their application process.,The recruitment process will also have identified the new employee’s strengths and some development areas,Keep activities varied Starting a new role can be overwhelming.,Making sure your new employee has a variety of activities to get involved will help to keep them engaged,, and can introduce them to a broader range of understanding about your organisation.

Recruiting Digital Champions

your recruitment there are a few factors that you should consider: What problem am I trying to solve,A ‘test and learn’ approach can start to give you an idea of how much time a Digital Champion spends,Start small with a pilot and gather learning around time spent providing support.,As part of your recruitment or onboarding process you may want to include a digital skills assessment,In discussion with HR, they agree to advertise the opportunity as part of employees Personal Development

Guide to organisational change

Making changes to Terms & Conditions If you want to make permanent changes to an employee’s working pattern,If it can, you must also consult with your employees about the changes you want to make.,Considering all the options Before making the decision to start the redundancy process, you need to ensure,Supporting your employees through redundancy The redundancy process is a very stressful experience for,would benefit from a short package of tailored 1-2-1 support to help them become familiar with current recruitment

AI organisational policies

Internal policies for staff use People in your organisation will already be using AI, so you’ll want,a policy on employee use.,Employees may benefit from training or allocated time to share and explore AI tools together.,stakeholders may be asking questions about your approach to AI.,Digital product teams can start thinking about simple applications, but model capabilities are still

SCVO Digital Call To Action 3

Pioneering organisations had grasped the potential of digital and were starting to change rapidly.,At SCVO, we spent a lot of time encouraging people to get started on their digital journey.,time to come New services and modes of working have exposed gaps in digital skills and high demand for employees,and discuss it with your team Apply some accessible content design principles to your digital channels,Organisations are able to articulate what digital skills are needed, and support their teams to develop or recruit

To salary exchange or not to salary exchange… that is the question

To salary exchange or not to salary exchange... that is the question

TFN Guide: Research is key in taking on first employee

Lesley Winton, of animal education charity Fostering Compassion, is relaxed about taking on her first member of staff

SCVO Impact Report 2022/23

new guide to setting up a charity, and more templates and model policies to give organisations a head start,affordable platform made it easier for voluntary sector employers to fill positions, while helping employees,The new #EssentialSector campaign started development, ready to launch in late 2023.,This marked the start of an exciting new project as SCVO became lead delivery partner for the first iteration,Tell us what you think We'd love to hear your thoughts, comments and feedback on our Impact Report.

Family friendly policies are not just for mums

Shelagh Young explains why Scotland's third sector should start taking family friends working more seriously