Single Outcome Agreements 2009-10: an analysis by CCPS
In November 2008, Community Care Providers Scotland published an analysis of the 2008-09 Single Outcome Agreements (SOAs), looking in particular for references to the aspirations for social care as set out in the ?Changing Lives? review of social work in Scotland, and for ways in which local authorities referenced the contribution of social care services to meeting national outcomes. One year on, this report returns to the coverage of social care in the 2009-10 tranche of SOAs, comparing this to the 2008-09 documents and considering what this tells us about the development of the SOA process. As was the case in 2008, a numerical content analysis of references to particular topics was undertaken, using 24 headings for coding, namely: social care; service delivery; commissioning and procurement; funding and efficiencies; workforce; voluntary sector; regulation; older people; children, young people and families; mental health; learning disability; physical disability; drug and alcohol; homelessness; domestic abuse; criminal justice; employability; housing support; child or adult protection; equalities; independent living; delayed discharge; benefits; carers. Both reports are available via the link below.