The Capacity of Disability Organisations to Engage with Public Authorities
This report is one of a series of three produced as a result of research into disability organisations across Scotland and their capacity to influence public authorities. The other two reports are on the mapping of disability organisations across Scotland and a guide to the resources available to support and enhance engagement. The findings within this report are based upon interviews and group discussions with 87 disability organisations in Scotland. The main objectives of this strand of the project were: ? To explore the level and type of contact/influence organisations have with local authorities, service providers and Scottish Government, including views on whether previous engagement has been successful, and identify any barriers to engagement ? To explore the views of groups and organisations about how to improve public authorities? engagement with disabled people in general ? To identify the extent to which organisations are aware of, and use, existing guidance and standards on community involvement ? To identify good practice in engaging with disabled people and public authorities ? To explore how best to share good practice, knowledge and experience amongst groups, as well as with service providers and policy makers ? To make recommendations as to how to build the capacity of disability groups/organisations to engage with public authorities.