Volunteering for All: national framework
The Volunteering Outcomes Framework was developed over 2018 by the Scottish Government jointly with partners from the volunteer and community sector, local government and NHS, with academics and social researchers, and with volunteers.
The Framework aims to reduce barriers to volunteering for people from all sections of the community, regardless of their background. It will support third, private and public sector organisations to promote the value of volunteering, celebrate the contributions that have already been made and encourage everyone who wants to volunteer to take part. The framework also aims to build more links with communities, seeking opportunities to share resources and expertise at a grassroots level.
The objective of the Framework is to:
- Set out clearly and in one place a coherent and compelling narrative for volunteering;
- Define the key outcomes desired for volunteering in Scotland over the next ten years;
- Identify the key data and evidence that will inform, indicate and drive performance at a national and local level; and
- Enable informed debate and decision about the optimal combination of programmes, investments and interventions.
The Framework is based on recommendations from volunteer-supporting organisations, alongside recommendations from a systematic review of volunteering literature (see also https://www.gov.scot/publications/research-summary-literature-review-scotlands-volunteering-outcomes-framework/ )