Volunteering in Museums: a research study into volunteering within museums
The purpose of this study was to provide robust evidence of the impact of volunteering in museums and galleries, as well as a demographic profile of the sector. The research involved a survey to all 210 members of Museums Galleries Scotland in January and February 2009. In total 84 members completed the survey, representing a return rate of 40%. Participatory workshops and case studies were carried out at 8 museums during February and March 2009 to identify the impacts of volunteering on key groups and to identify good practice in volunteer management. Impact was measured using the 5 types of capital from the ?Volunteering Impact Assessment Toolkit?. ? Physical ? Human ? Social ? Economic ? Cultural The report provides a policy context for the study and also includes the findings of a literature review. Although the results cannot be generalised to a wider population, the authors are nevertheless able to demonstrate how museums are meeting the Scottish Government?s National Outcomes.