It is important to ensure your organisation’s governance is as effective as possible - The Scottish Governance,Code for the Third Sector offers guidance, practical tools and templates to help governing bodies ensure,These include Brexit Ready Scotland, which is targeted towards Scottish businesses, and a Scottish Government,Telling your staff and volunteers about the advice and help available, such as the Scottish Government,of some European funding (not specifically related to Brexit) liaising with the UK and Scottish Government
, and what changes are needed in how voluntary sector intermediaries are funded by the Scottish Government,positive relationships at an operational level with the teams they work closely with in the Scottish Government,of the funding package, where organisations applying to or receiving funding from the Scottish Government,manage and overcome challenges A couple of the organisations interviewed felt that the Scottish Government,can work best together Another organisation focused on the sense of partnership with the Scottish Government
The UK Government has stated its commitment for the increased funding to enable public sector employers,Minister to highlight the risk to voluntary organisations in Scotland working with the Scottish Government,What have the UK Government said?,The UK Government have said that the Scottish Government will receive additional funding on top of the,What have the Scottish Government said?
NCVO's annual analysis of the biggest trends, opportunities and events that will impact charities and volunteering in England and the wider UK in the year ahead. This is NCVO's second Road Ahead published during the pandemic. As in previous years, the report was developed using a...