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Funding Scotland

Supporting Scotland's vibrant voluntary sector

Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations

The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations is the membership organisation for Scotland's charities, voluntary organisations and social enterprises. Charity registered in Scotland SC003558. Registered office Mansfield Traquair Centre, 15 Mansfield Place, Edinburgh EH3 6BB.


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Funding Scotland

May’s power grab demeans democracy

Martin Sime sees paralels between Turkish dictator in waiting Erdogan and our own prime minister

Plan aims to tackle social care recruitment crisis

Small community teams and a national campaign to promote social care as a career are among the initiatives planned

Scotland facing care home crisis

Urgent action needed to protect vulnerable residents

SCVO response to Scottish Parliament Finance and Constitution Committee

the result was known, SCVO has been working closely and consistently with members to discover what Brexit,sector felt it had benefited through our membership of the EU: We also found that the sector’s key Brexit,human rights protections and the potential threat posed to these by the UK’s withdrawal from the EU: Brexit,Scotland Declaration on Human Rights – which calls for rights to be protected and advanced, whatever the Brexit,reassurances have been offered, there is little known about how these areas will truly be impacted by Brexit

First Minister grilled by youngsters

Nicola Sturgeon took part in a Question Time style event hosted and attended by young people

GE17: Solidarity, equality and fairness for all

Peter Kelly says poverty must move to the top of the agenda now the election's over

GE17: vote for the right to live well

Ian Welsh says the outcome of this year's snap General Election will determine whether we are a nation where everyone has the right to live well

MP Twitter storm dress raises £20k for charity

Tracy Brabin has auctioned off a dress which slipped off her shoulder while in the House of Commons

Europe: should we stay or should we go?

TFN poll: should we leave Europe or should we stay?


Funding Scotland