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Funding Scotland

Supporting Scotland's vibrant voluntary sector

Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations

The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations is the membership organisation for Scotland's charities, voluntary organisations and social enterprises. Charity registered in Scotland SC003558. Registered office Mansfield Traquair Centre, 15 Mansfield Place, Edinburgh EH3 6BB.


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Funding Scotland

Olive Cooke’s data was sold by charities 43 times

​Leaked FRSB report reveals details on how many times and the frequency Olive Cooke was contacted by charities asking for cash

Women's Aid considers legal action following council defunding

Charity believes North Lanarkshire Council's tender lacked scrutiny

SCVO calls for dialogue with ministers on fair work proposals

A National Care Service for Scotland: consultation

Our response comments on issues of partnership, procurement and Fair Work, which we monitor across Scottish,welcome the focus in the consultation on tackling longstanding issues around commissioning and procurement,Commissioning and procurement SCVO has highlighted issues with the commissioning and procurement of services,We carried out two surveys, in 2013 and then 2019, to capture members’ experiences of procurement processes,To complement this, we offer observations on the commissioning and procurement of voluntary sector services

The Scottish Budget: influencing and expectations

and Scottish budgets A shift to multi-year spending plans A shift from the current competitive procurement,issues including: The need for sustainable funding The lack of unrestricted funds The competitive procurement,Evaluate the role of procurement in delivering high quality services Update the Committee on the progress,We need real action on funding and procurement across the board.

Drugs forum would back illegal drug injecting rooms

Experts in Scotland must work together to tackle the drugs crisis, however an illegal drugs consumption facility should not be closed by police

Employability programme provider in administration

The closure of Working Links presents an opportunity for greater third sector involvement in Fair Start Scotland, SCVO has claimed

Mixed response to Scottish Government climate pledges

First Minister Nicola Sturgeon unveiled the Programme for Government this afternoon, with climate change at the top of the agenda

Fundraising ideas that are as easy as flicking the switch

Steve de la Rosa examines how making simple changes can help charities make savings

Open Government: Changing the way things work

Lucy McTernan reveals what's happening during Open Government Week, and how you can get involved in changing the way government works

Funding Scotland