As the Committee shared in June, this inquiry examines, “how the Scottish Government’s approach to fair,For over a decade, the Scottish Government has recognised the need for multi-year funding, committing,to longer-term funding for the voluntary sector across multiple government strategies.,Despite this, there has been little progress: Scottish Government’s “Fairer Funding ambitions remain,2025/2026 Budget commits to aligning the Scottish Government’s “Fairer Funding” principles with SCVO
As the UK Government considers next steps, I write to underline the importance of providing certainty,I would like to see a commitment from the UK Government to longer-term funding, so that more strategic,It is my hope that the UK Government will work constructively with the Scottish Government to make this,That is why I wrote to the Cabinet Secretary for Finance and Local Government, ahead of her statement,While I fully appreciate the challenging fiscal environment that the UK Government faces, I urge you
The European Social Fund was managed by the Scottish Government and the lead partner for the NTSF project,funding is provided from various sources, and included the SDS managed Employability Fund, Scottish Government
Voluntary sector leaders in England had been subject to a toxic and hostile relationship with the UK Government,It’s no wonder that there’s an urgent need to reset the relationship with the new government in Westminster,voluntary sector plays in our society, and the need for an inclusive, strategic relationship with government,Quick off the mark, the Labour Government has launched a consultation on a new Covenant Framework that,In Wales partnership between the voluntary sector and Welsh Government has been enshrined in legislation