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Funding Scotland

Supporting Scotland's vibrant voluntary sector

Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations

The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations is the membership organisation for Scotland's charities, voluntary organisations and social enterprises. Charity registered in Scotland SC003558. Registered office Mansfield Traquair Centre, 15 Mansfield Place, Edinburgh EH3 6BB.


What can we help you with?

Funding Scotland

The three underpinning enablers

It is not unrealistic to imagine a future when the majority, if not all, government policy interventions,Activity is underway in pockets of government policy, such as in the Digital Health and Care directorate


opened up that allow Scotland’s charities to work in close partnership with elected members and government,crucial that charities continue to work constructively with the Scottish Parliament, the Scottish Government

Digital inclusion: room for improvement

The report shows that while government aims to save money through digital services, the burden of supporting,Scotland to tackle digital exclusion for the past decade, the team at SCVO has seen commitment from government,The Scottish Government responded quickly, investing over £50m in Connecting Scotland.,The Scottish Government promise in the 2021 Programme for Government to spend £200m to get 300,000 households,But it’s not solely Government’s responsibility.

Workforce digital skills

Based on the Essential Digital Skills Framework produced by the UK government, the check-up is divided

Data protection

The ICO have shared the information governance and legislation training modules they provide to their

Making identity checks

The first check you should make is to confirm the identity of the candidate and establish that their identity is genuine. You should not undertake any other checks until you are satisfied that the candidate is who they claim to be. You can check a person's identity by requesting...

Voluntary organisations are struggling. Will government recognise the scale of the challenge?

will publish its 2022/2023 Programme for Government.,The UK and Scottish Governments need to recognise these issues and their long-term effects are likely,and the Scottish Government.,SCVO welcomes the Scottish Government’s plans to become a Fair Work Nation by 2025 and to extend the,job security - one of the five Scottish Government Fair Work Dimensions - and continuity of service

Scottish Welfare Fund

It is a national scheme delivered by Scotland’s 32 local authorities on behalf of the Scottish Government

Autumn Budget fails to consider impacts of NICs increases on voluntary sector employers

The new Labour government have frequently championed their ambitions of a relationship with civil society,Values a Labour government committed to employee rights must share.,SCVO look forward to a new relationship between the sector and the UK government, and have high hopes,TSI Scotland Network letter to Angela Rayner, Secretary of State for Housing, Communities & Local Government

Funding Scotland