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Funding Scotland

Supporting Scotland's vibrant voluntary sector

Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations

The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations is the membership organisation for Scotland's charities, voluntary organisations and social enterprises. Charity registered in Scotland SC003558. Registered office Mansfield Traquair Centre, 15 Mansfield Place, Edinburgh EH3 6BB.


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Funding Scotland
Tayside Contracts can provide services to charities and community groups across Tayside, funded for by the Community Fund. Services include:- Food Hygiene training- Delivery and uplift of crowd barriers- Cleaning services- Traffic management for community events- Vehicle servicing/repairs

The fund aids research into learning disability aids the care and relief of those affected by learning disability. Their priorities are learning disabilities (intellectual disabilities) and autism and they will consider projects for children or adults. They will fund: - Capital building/renovation/refurbishment works for residential, nursing and respite care, and schools;- Employment schemes including woodwork, crafts, printing and horticulture;- Play schemes and play therapy schemes;- Day and social activities centres including building costs and running costs;- Support for families, including respite schemes;- Independent living schemes;- Support in the community schemes;- Snoezelen rooms.

The Kincardineshire Educational Trust was set up for residents, schools and organisations in the former County of Kincardine. The Trust awards grants to individuals, schools and organisations to help with the cost of school trips, further education and funding for sports clubs and facilities. Parents and guardians can also apply if they are receiving certain benefits or on a low income.

The Tree Council has funds available to assist schools and community groups proposing to undertake well-planned tree planting projects during National Tree Week. They can fund trees, hedges and orchard trees and reasonable costs of supports and aids – stakes, ties, guards, fertiliser, mulch, soil amelioration.

The Sustainable Communities Fund aims to support local people to develop sustainable projects that will promote or improve community collaboration, health and wellbeing, local spaces, economic development, biodiversity and the environment.Applications can be for revenue funding, capital funding or both and they are looking for projects that will:- tackle issues like isolation, food insecurity, healthy eating, health inequalities and fuel poverty- improve public health and access to services, green spaces and social activities- develop or regenerate community assets and infrastructure- increase accessibility and inclusivity to services and places and participation in activities- act on climate change.

BCBN’s Grant Initiative aims to provide small third-sector grant awards to empower charities and local community projects. This initiative will distribute a one-off grant award of up to £3,000 per charity or to small but credible community projects, which are able to demonstrate their positive impact on the communities they aim to serve. Any projects supported must be UK based (excluding Northern Ireland); address a community issue or support a local community initiative; and provide benefits to the local community.

Funding is available for projects that increase the attractiveness of Caithness & North Sutherland as a place to live, work and invest with particular emphasis on achieving environment, social, culture and infrastructure improvements.

The Trust supports charitable institutions, societies and/or indigent persons connected with the town or burgh of Kinross and the parish of Orwell at the discretion of the trustees. Trust funds to be applied for charitable, beneficial or public purposes. In the past the trust has funded local youth, sport and school groups as well as churches, often for capital projects.

Fallago Environment Fund aims to enhance the quality of life for local communities and visitors to the Borders through investment in the protection, enhancement and appreciation of the natural, built and cultural heritage of the Scottish Borders environment. The main emphasis of the Fund is on capital projects that leave a long-term legacy (Main Grants Programme). However, core funding support will be considered, in exceptional circumstances, to those organisations that can clearly demonstrate how their activities complement and deliver on the aim of the Fund (Core Funding Programme).

Bringing People Together funding can support projects that will build stronger connections across communities, and improve the infrastructure and conditions that are needed to strengthen these connections.They are interested in:- bold and experimental responses to bringing people together using new, or new combinations of approaches- new projects or projects that build on existing work- a range of projects reflecting a mix of communities and places from across the UK.This is funding from the  UK Portfolio. The UK Portfolio explores new approaches, experiment with how to do things differently, and look to fund work that is more future focussed.

Funding Scotland