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Funding Scotland

Supporting Scotland's vibrant voluntary sector

Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations

The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations is the membership organisation for Scotland's charities, voluntary organisations and social enterprises. Charity registered in Scotland SC003558. Registered office Mansfield Traquair Centre, 15 Mansfield Place, Edinburgh EH3 6BB.


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Funding Scotland

Perfect storm could sink charities as living wage kicks in

​Charities could go to the wall as they struggle to meet rising demand, lower income and a new pay stipulation

Families fight back over Bield care home closures

The Scottish Government should intervene to stop 167 vulnerable elderly people being moved from closure threatened care homes, say relatives

Tackling inequality should be central to recovery, report recommends

The Social Renewal Advisory Board has said creating a minimum income guarantee and helping those most affected by Covid-19 will result in a fairer Scotland

Thousands plunged into fuel poverty as energy prices rise

More than 8 in 10 people in Scotland are worried about the impact of rising bills.

Wildlife groups: shooting industry must be regulated

Wildlife conservation groups want a “progressive partnership” with the shooting community, to develop a licensing scheme for gamebird hunting

Coalition calls for sweeping changes to mental health and wellbeing

Scotland’s Mental Health Partnership has published its manifesto Promote, Prevent, Provide

Shelter Scotland calls for “immediate intervention” against council 

Councillors in Edinburgh voted to strip homeless households of human rights.

The referendum: which way for social justice in Scotland?

Maggie Kelly of Third Sector Yes is a writer and policy and campaigns advisor having worked in the third sector in Scotland and London for 20 years

SCVO UK Spending Review Summary 2021

Following the UK Government Spending Review 2021 SCVO produced this summary of commitments impacting,The Scottish Government is due to publish its Budget for 2022-23 on 9 December.,Publishing a response to the fundamental review of business rates the Government has confirmed that it,That is recognised by some parts of government but not Treasury (Matt Whitaker, PBE).,Local Government funding Analysis An increase in local government spending was announced but IFS analysis

Is the grass always greener?

Niall Christie takes a deep dive into greenwashing, and asks whether charities are unwittingly getting caught up in schemes which allow big business planet polluters to cover up their dirty deeds

Funding Scotland