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Funding Scotland

Supporting Scotland's vibrant voluntary sector

Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations

The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations is the membership organisation for Scotland's charities, voluntary organisations and social enterprises. Charity registered in Scotland SC003558. Registered office Mansfield Traquair Centre, 15 Mansfield Place, Edinburgh EH3 6BB.


What can we help you with?

Funding Scotland
Crown Estate Revenues Funding (CERF) aims to support community projects across the Western Isles. The CERF is distributed to community groups seeking to improve infrastructure and economic development in their area. Engagement throughout the process will be required by Ward area forums to identify local needs and aspirations. Ultimately, local people decide on their own priorities.Projects must be able to demonstrate that they address one of the following priorities:- alignment with one of the themes within the Outer Hebrides Economic Recovery Strategy: community recovery; digital recovery; green recovery- improves community resilience- delivers positive climate and net zero impacts- impacts on the challenges of depopulation

B&Q Foundation

Currently Closed
Funding is available for registered charities who are creating or improving spaces so that more people have a place to feel at home. They focus on charities that support people who are most in need because of homelessness, financial hardship, sickness, disability or other disadvantage.Previous projects supported have included improvements such as decorating, fixing roofs, refurbishment of garden space, upgrading key fixtures and fittings, and creating new buildings or rooms.

The fund aims to support projects that make a difference to life in, and seek improvement in, the local community. They are keen to support community and voluntary organisations that are charitable, educational, philanthropic or benevolent in purpose. You do not have to be a registered charity to apply for funding but you do have to be able to demonstrate real community impetus and benefits.Projects should benefit people living in Arbuthnott; Benholm and Johnshaven; Gourdon; Inverbervie; Mearns; St Cyrus.Please check the fund guidelines to check eligibility before applying.

Covid: how your charity can adapt – and thrive

Programme combines access to funds with expert advice

The Foundation supports a broad range of organisations and activities that share a commitment to making a positive impact to the lives of the communities in which they work, and that are driven by a desire to achieve excellence. They make grants across the UK to organisations in the following categories: - Arts- Education- Youth- Health- Community- Museums and Heritage- Environment- Religion and Welfare.

Grants will be made for applications that benefit people in the Community by advancing community development by supporting local environmental, educational, amenity or other initiatives in the area.Funds applications which benefit the residents of the Community Council areas of Abbey St Bathans, Bonkyl & Preston, Duns, Gavinton, Fogo & Preston, and Lammermuir.

Carrick Futures is a community company, funded by ScottishPower Renewables community benefit funds from the Arecleoch and Mark Hill Windfarms in South Ayrshire. The fund primarily supports projects located within or directly benefiting one or more of the six community council areas of Ballantrae, Colmonell & Lendalfoot, Barr, Barrhill, Pinmore & Pinwherry and Girvan & District. The Board has agreed three strategic aims, which it will use to prioritise proposed projects. These are:- Improving access to services (in particular public transport)- Enabling a diverse and sustainable population mix (services for young people and older people, but also activities that help create opportunities for families and working age people to live in the area).- Improving equality of opportunity (including tackling poverty and disadvantage).Awards can support a wide range of costs and activities including equipment, running costs for local groups, staff or sessional worker costs, consultations, maintenance or refurbishment of community facilities and capital costs to purchase or develop community assets.

Duncan Place

  • Membership number 5503
  • Charity registered in Scotland SC048100

Funding Scotland