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Funding Scotland

Supporting Scotland's vibrant voluntary sector

Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations

The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations is the membership organisation for Scotland's charities, voluntary organisations and social enterprises. Charity registered in Scotland SC003558. Registered office Mansfield Traquair Centre, 15 Mansfield Place, Edinburgh EH3 6BB.


What can we help you with?

Funding Scotland
Community Benefit Gateway (CBG) is a free and easy to use online service that connects NHS Scotland suppliers with third sector community organisations within Scotland. You can list your need on the Gateway if your work is focused on improving the economic, social, and environmental wellbeing of your local area.It supports community initiatives such as:- Work placement opportunities- Volunteering projects- The provision of professional advice- Assistance with building community facilities- Environmental proposals- Improving and promoting biodiversity- Lifelong learning projects (this list is not exhaustive)The Gateway is not a funding platform, although there may be offers of funding listed.

Report proves worth of social enterprises

Social businesses are worth over £35m in South Ayrshire

Severe council cuts to devastate voluntary groups

Voluntary groups in the Highlands are to be subjected to “severe” funding cuts

Offering funding to families and individuals to support projects and initiatives that create positive change within their communities.The Make it Happen Fund makes a difference by enabling families to set the fund’s priorities and design the funding proposal process. It empowers parents, carers, children and young people to decide how funds are spent, directing investment towards projects that otherwise may be overlooked by traditional funding schemes.The fund itself will be available to applications that fit either of the following criteria:- Grants for individuals to enable families to access the items, experiences or services that matter to them.- Community grants for projects led by parents and/or young people working in collaboration with other organisations, including corporate partners, to create and deliver initiatives that positively impact their communities.Lochee Ward:The fund is to support activities to benefit, children, young people, families or Adult Groups in the Lochee Ward. A project might be a one-off event, or a series of activity sessions. We are keen to encourage new ideas. Funding can be used for the following but not restricted to: - Materials to deliver activities- Catering or food costs associated with activities.- Room-hire costs.- Equipment - Travel costs to support with delivery of activities.- Utility costs (heating/lighting)- Vouchers for supporting volunteers.- Sessional delivery from organisations

Fife Charities Trust

Currently open
Fife Charities Trust is Fife Council’s employee charity group and operate a grants scheme on behalf of the Fife Lottery Organisation. This raises funds for charitable and community groups through the Fife Council Employee Lottery. The types of project they favour are: - Projects for the welfare and benefit of disadvantaged residents of Fife- Projects including the purchase of equipment or materials which are essential to allow an existing group to continue or extend the activities or services that group can provide to the community- The purchase of equipment or materials that will allow the group to raise additional funds for themselves- New Groups which need essential equipment to begin operating- Projects which will benefit the local environment.

Lintel Trust, Scotland's housing charity have re-opened their small grants fund. Grants of either £500 or £1,000 are available. They support projects:- tackling social isolation in housing communities- promoting digital participation for housing communities- enabling older people to remain independent and in their own home- enabling people with disabilities to live independently- assisting people moving from homelessness into a secure tenancy

Soirbheas provide grants mostly funded by the Corrimony windfarm. The Tier 2 & 3 funding the objectives are: - improving the energy efficiency of the housing within our communities- strengthening the local economy by encouraging new businesses and encouraging employment and training opportunities; protecting our environment for future generations- improving the quality of life of the elderly and vulnerable, including young people, within our communities. The beneficiaries of projects must be resident in the Glen Urquhart or Strathglass Community Council areas.

For Bute Grants

Currently open
For Bute runs a charity thrift shop to raise funds to support local groups and individuals in Bute. It supports a wide variety of causes.

Funding Scotland