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Funding Scotland

Supporting Scotland's vibrant voluntary sector

Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations

The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations is the membership organisation for Scotland's charities, voluntary organisations and social enterprises. Charity registered in Scotland SC003558. Registered office Mansfield Traquair Centre, 15 Mansfield Place, Edinburgh EH3 6BB.


What can we help you with?

Funding Scotland

Cash to change the world: £1.8m funds for social enterprise

Projects to mitigate inequality, tackle climate change and put social enterprise products on the high street are to benefit from £1.8 million funding

Funding to help thousands of Scots get online

19 organisations from across the country are set to benefit from the latest round of the Digital Participation Charter Fund

Charity could help almost 50,000 with lung conditions

The Scottish Government has announced it will be investing £330,000 in Chest Heart and Stroke Scotland to grow its hospital discharge services

Government rape clause leads to boycott by leading charities

Proof of rape before being awarded tax credits will only humiliate already victimised women say charities

Charities reveal the desperate fight for survival facing asylum seekers in Scotland

​Violence and exploitation are commonplace for destitute asylum seekers in Scotland committee hears

Changing the law on pavement parking in Scotland promotes equality for all

John Lauder says it is time to crack down pavement parking to make Scotland's streets more accessible

Raising attainment: listening to young people and providing bespoke support are key

Fiona McFarlane on the significant relationship between children's mental health and educational attainment

Masks helping those at home and abroad stay safe

The Paul Hodges Trust has been providing masks for those in Africa through selling the handmade items in the UK

Candidates and parties must do more to prevent school meal debt and hidden school hunger

SallyAnn Kelly of Aberlour on what councillors can do to help make Scotland a country where no child goes hungry

It’s time to equally value ALL PARTS of the mental health system

Louise Christie on the need to see real and ambitious change in how we design, deliver and access mental health support and services

Funding Scotland