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Funding Scotland

Supporting Scotland's vibrant voluntary sector

Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations

The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations is the membership organisation for Scotland's charities, voluntary organisations and social enterprises. Charity registered in Scotland SC003558. Registered office Mansfield Traquair Centre, 15 Mansfield Place, Edinburgh EH3 6BB.


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Funding Scotland

Communities unite to oppose energy giant's plans

Area was made famous in classic novel

This is a Government initiative which was introduced to reduce the impact of landfill sites on neighbouring communities by funding local environmental projects. The aim of the scheme is to enable landfill operators to support various types of environmental projects by donating a percentage of their landfill tax liability.Projects must conform to one of the following criteria:- projects that involve reclaiming land, the use of which has been prevented by some previous activity- projects that reduce or prevent pollution on land- projects that provide or maintain public amenities or parks within 10 miles of a landfill site- delivery of biodiversity conservation for UK species habitats- projects to restore or repair buildings for religious worship, or of architectural or historical interest within 10 miles of a landfill site- community based recycling, re-use and waste prevention projects

The fund provides grants that preserve and develop the area of Larbert, Stenhousemuir & Torwood as a great, friendly place to live, supporting activity that improves the look and feel of the area, brings people together and enhances the community for future generations. The fund’s priorities are to support charitable activity that:- Improves the physical appearance of the community (including the town centre) and makes better use of our public spaces;- Develops community services, events and facilities to better meet the diverse needs of local people; - Preserves and enhances the natural environment for the benefit of those who live in the area;- Builds the skills, capacity and sustainability of community organisations serving the area.Grants may support a wide range of costs, for example, the costs of equipment, staff or sessional workers, consultations, running costs for local groups, maintenance or refurbishment of community facilities, and so on.The Panel is particularly keen to receive applications from:- Groups that haven’t applied to the fund before;- Groups that are providing services or activity that benefits the elderly;- Groups that are planning projects which will increase provision currently available;- Groups planning activity that will increase participation in community activity.Applicants are also required to consider some cross-cutting issues appropriately and proportionately relative to their project; see fund website for full details.

The Council has a number of settlement trusts which support projects under a wide range of categories including education, arts, local communities and the environment.Check the website for a full list of trusts and for contact details for each.You can apply for funding from a Settlement Trust if it falls under the following categories:- Prevention of Poverty- Advancement of Education- Advancement of Religion- Saving of Lives-Advancement of Citizenship- Advancement of Arts- Advancement of Public Participation in Sport- Provision of Recreational Facilities- Advancement of Human Rights- Promotion of religious or racial harmony- Promotion of Equality- Advancement of Environmental Protection- Relief of Those In Need- Advancement of Animal Welfare- Analogous Purposes- Advancement of Health

The purpose of the University of Micro-grant Scheme is to:- Bring value to new or existing partnerships between the University and local communities.- Have a positive social impact by contributing to one or more of these United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs): - 1 No Poverty- 3 Good Health and Wellbeing- 4 Quality Education- 8 Decent Work and Economic Growth- 10 Reduced Inequalities- 11 Sustainable Cities and Communities.

News in brief: what’s been going on across Scotland’s third sector 12 October 2018

A selection of stories from communities and voluntary organisations across Scotland

The Mossmorran Wind Farm Ltd Community Fund will support community projects that benefit residents living in the Hill of Beath, Cowdenbeath and Crossgates & Mossgreen Community Council areas. This charitable fund is provided by Mossmorran Wind Limited (MWL) the owner and operator of the Mossmorran Wind Farm in Fife. The fund opened in 2016 and receives an annual payment from MWL, this started at £14,100 and rises in-line with inflation. Payments will continue for the operating life of the wind farm, expected to be 25 years. Grants of up to £2,000 can now be considered towards a range of activities. However, applicants should be advised that, where demand on funds is high, a lower offer may be made. The fund provides grants to support charitable activities that:- Enhance quality of life for local residents.- Contribute to vibrant, healthy, successful and sustainable communities.- Promote community spirit and encourage community activity.Grant requests to support a wide range of costs and activities will be considered: e.g. equipment costs, running costs for local groups, consultations, staff or sessional workers and maintenance or refurbishment of community facilities and activities to reduce carbon emissions.

Community Benefit is a well-established, integral part of onshore wind energy development, and represents a positive relationship between developers and communities. If you have a community project or are a member of a community group that could put some funding to good use, check the funder website to check if there is a community benefit fund in your area.

Funding Scotland