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Funding Scotland

Supporting Scotland's vibrant voluntary sector

Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations

The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations is the membership organisation for Scotland's charities, voluntary organisations and social enterprises. Charity registered in Scotland SC003558. Registered office Mansfield Traquair Centre, 15 Mansfield Place, Edinburgh EH3 6BB.


What can we help you with?

Funding Scotland

Environment and the Economy: Helping Scotland to Flourish

New discussion paper making a strong plea for a national consensus on a new goal of government, with,preoccupation with economic growth distorts priorities, the paper calls for a shift of emphasis in government

SCVO response to pre-budget scrutiny 2023/24: the sector's role in reducing inequalities & alleviating poverty

services (funding, digital, membership support, and information).Parliamentary records and Scottish Government,policy submissions, engagement, and research with the sector throughout 21-22,including, ‘Scottish Government,We recognise that the UK Government must take major interventions to ensure the public and voluntary,to the Scottish Government.,and the Scottish Government’s emergency budgets.

The future of funding for Equality and Human Rights

The UK government has committed to replacing these funds with a ‘UK Shared Prosperity Fund’ after Brexit,that evidence from the broadest range of individuals and regions across GB will be valuable as the government

The Enabling State:From Rhetoric to Reality

CASE STUDIES As economic, demographic and environmental challenges mount, governments are under increasing,Carnegie UK Trust is arguing that in these challenging times it is more pressing than ever for governments

Evaluation of the Sex Offender Community Disclosure Pilot

In parallel to these developments, the Scottish Government decided to pilot a similar disclosure scheme,presents the findings of an independent evaluation of the pilot conducted on behalf of the Scottish Government

Tackling Multiple Deprivation in Communities: Considering the Evidence

Services and the Regeneration Division within the Housing and Regeneration Directorate of the Scottish Government,relevant published and unpublished research commissioned by Communities Scotland and the Scottish Government

The UK Civil Society Almanac 2022

Income from both central and local government, which make up a quarter (26%) of all sector income, has,This particularly effects larger charities with over £1m income, who depend primarily (87%) on government,Government spending cuts2 have already resulted in charities closing vital programmes.,Income from grants and government contracts has also declined.,Contracts made up the majority (82%) of all income from government almost a decade ago in 2010/11, but

Energy price guarantee fails to give voluntary organisations certainty - SCVO

Responding to the UK Government’s announcement of a six-month energy price guarantee for businesses,,More funding from the UK Government to the Scottish Government is essential to support voluntary organisations

Funding Scotland