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Funding Scotland

Supporting Scotland's vibrant voluntary sector

Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations

The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations is the membership organisation for Scotland's charities, voluntary organisations and social enterprises. Charity registered in Scotland SC003558. Registered office Mansfield Traquair Centre, 15 Mansfield Place, Edinburgh EH3 6BB.


What can we help you with?

Funding Scotland

Helping Scotland to get connected

Gareth Jones learns more about the Connecting Scotland programme, which aims to tackle digital exclusion

Third sector care and support: building a different future

After the Covid crisis, let's build a better social care system

SCVO response to new Scottish Cabinet announcement

welcome Shona Robison to her new role as Cabinet Secretary for Social Justice, Housing and Local Government,Scotland’s recovery, the sector as a whole doesn’t even get a mention on the face of the Scottish Government’s

Parity of esteem?

An optimist might say that at long last government has recognised that the voluntary sector is present,It transpires that the Cabinet Secretary for Social Justice, Housing and Local Government has the third,I’m optimistic that the incoming Government will make good the commitments that have been made, I look

Save Your Outdoor Centres – they are Never More Needed than now

Liz Smith MSP on why she’s championing the Save Your Outdoor Centres campaign in the Scottish Parliament

Blowing the whistle in the third sector

Jamie Meechan analyses the latest report on whistleblowing within Scotland's charity sector

Investments needn’t be a minefield

Investments needn’t be a minefield

Rowntree Charitable Trust defends funding Cage

​Charity Commission investigates JRCT for funding controversial group which defended "Jihadi John"

Local Government and Communities Committee pre-budget scrutiny

settlement with local government.,to consider the wider complex system in which local government operates, where Scottish Government,,Similarly, decisions taken by the Scottish Government will affect local government finances.,It is vital that the financial strains faced by all parties – national government, local government,,government, and the voluntary sector must come together at all parts of the process.

Daily coronavirus roundup for third sector, Wednesday 24 June

How the third sector is responding to the pandemic #NeverMoreNeeded

Funding Scotland