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Funding Scotland

Supporting Scotland's vibrant voluntary sector

Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations

The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations is the membership organisation for Scotland's charities, voluntary organisations and social enterprises. Charity registered in Scotland SC003558. Registered office Mansfield Traquair Centre, 15 Mansfield Place, Edinburgh EH3 6BB.


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Funding Scotland

Daily coronavirus roundup for third sector Wednesday 6 May

How the sector is responding to the ongoing pandemic

#ChristiePlus10: building pillars of reform in Dundee

#ChristiePlus10: a series of expert blogs reflecting on ten years since the publication of the Christie Commission.

The private sector needs a thriving charitable sector

Standard Life Aberdeen recognises that recovery from Coronavirus will mean everyone stepping up to support #NeverMoreNeeded community services

Volunteering must adapt, study finds

Volunteering can help Scottish society face some of its biggest challenges such as an ageing population and skills shortages

Does the health sector need to find its balls?

Catherine Ronald, recalls the key talking points from a lively discussion on the future of Scotland’s health

Daily coronavirus roundup for third sector

News on how Scotland's voluntary sector is responding to the pandemic

Black History Month and beyond

Black History Month 2020 has ended, but as we leave October behind, there is a need to keep up the same levels of energy for learning, discussion and reflection

Value of donations collapses under impact of inflation and cost of living

Warnings also made over reserves and staff costs

Board behaviour at SCVO

beginning of June saw the SCVO Board meet to discuss how they demonstrate and evidence the Scottish Governance,Code of Conduct The Governance Code states that ‘creating a constructive board environment where diverse,information only; what’s for discussion; and what is for decision making Conflict of Interest The Governance

$50m target for global sleep out

Hollywood actors and other celebrities are leading the charge against homelessness, with fundraising events taking place across the globe

Funding Scotland