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Funding Scotland

Supporting Scotland's vibrant voluntary sector

Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations

The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations is the membership organisation for Scotland's charities, voluntary organisations and social enterprises. Charity registered in Scotland SC003558. Registered office Mansfield Traquair Centre, 15 Mansfield Place, Edinburgh EH3 6BB.


What can we help you with?

Funding Scotland

A new hope which banishes despair

How a grassroots charity moved from despair to hope and is transforming a community

Towards a Fair Work Nation

Scotland’s Fair Work Convention has urged a greater focus and activity by government, employers and trade,This commitment gained party wide support and was adopted by the Scottish Government when it was launched,The Scottish Government, employers and unions must all play their part in addressing the longstanding

Introducing the Cyber Catalyst Network

have committed at Board level to act as ambassadors for cyber education and support the Scottish Government,some excellent “piece to camera” safety messages recorded by the Scottish Sports Association by the governing,This is coupled with an event for the Chairs of Governing Bodies and a “celebration” of the cyber work,guest appearances from Anthony Morris, Cyber Resilience Unit Third Sector Lead with the Scottish Government

Funding available for charity employers to take on young people

The latest phase of Scottish Government funding has just been announced so charity bosses are being invited,employment, it recently signed up as an employer with the Young Person’s Guarantee, a Scottish Government

How to build strong board relationships - and how mediation can help if it goes wrong

least as they had to work virtually to make difficult decisions and ensure their organisations were governed,But strong working relationships and teamwork are key to good governance, so in the next Good Governance,Give time for team building activities, and make sure you have three vital tools of good governance to,Our Good Governance Webinar will feature May Millward from Scottish Mediation to outline ways to resolve,So come along to our Good Governance webinar on 3 March to find out how you can diffuse board tensions

Scotland and the Shared Prosperity Fund

Following the decision by the UK Government to leave the European Union, it appeared inevitable that,We were pleased to see the UK Government quickly commit to the creation of a UK Shared Prosperity Fund,In his letter[4] to the Scottish Government’s Cabinet Secretary for Finance (Kate Forbes MSP), the Cabinet,to produce the proposal for a Scottish Replacement For EU Structural Funds submitted to the UK Government,/publications/cst-response-to-scottish-government-request-for-additional-funding/cst-response-to-scottish-government

Digital Participation funding – helping us go the distance!

SCVO have been working in partnership with the Scottish Government, local councils, voluntary groups,Digital Participation Charter Fund has been operating for some years with the support of the Scottish Government

Social Renewal – from Buzzcocks to Oasis

On the refreshing side, the advisory board is probably the only government-led group I’ve been on where,separate representation – education, social work, several strands of health, public bodies, many government,Businesses, councils, the health service, voluntary and community organisations, individual people and governments

Funding Scotland