There are not many national reviews where government and civil society have attempted to follow the ‘,When the Scottish Government indicated an interest in working with us, those involved made it feel like,We discussed the dos and don’ts and where civil society and government were comfortable on a spectrum,The review would need to be signed off by the government; we understood this, but security for us was,the review is published is a testament to the social connections built between civil society and government
This week, the Scottish Government published its landmark review of the progress Scotland has made in,The report makes the case that the Scottish Government can do more to ensure all policy action complements,this network organisations and individuals have come together in partnership with the Scottish Government,Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations, said: “I welcome the unique approach the Scottish Government,We particularly welcome the government’s commitment to policy coherence for sustainable development and
Impact of Covid19Download The Community Jobs Scotland (CJS) programme[1], funded by the Scottish Government,What levers does the Scottish Government have to incentivise employers to employ young people?,The ethos behind No One Left Behind, the Scottish Government’s employability strategy, is right but we,Finally, Scottish Government and other partners must ensure that young people do not fall through the,In this time of unprecedented government support for business, how can the Scottish Government ensure
Recovery’s (AGER) report note the importance of the voluntary sector where it called upon the Scottish Government,Notably we were encouraged to see AGER urge the government to consider the implementation of long-term,Taking forward the Scottish Government Advisory Group on Economic Recovery’s report recommendations (,The positive partnerships between voluntary organisations, local authorities, the Scottish Government,The Scottish Government must continue to promote the Fair Work principles during the recovery process
Cabinet Secretary for Communities and Local Government.,This package pre-dated specific commitments made by the UK Government.,The Scottish Government’s Supporting Communities Fund had an initial £20m investment.,the UK Government, a proportion of these funds will come from Barnett consequentials.,The initial support packages from the Scottish and UK Governments have been welcome and necessary.
The Advisory Group on Economic Recovery (AGER) reported that the Scottish Government should embrace a,The Scottish Government must activate this across the strategies, methods and instruments available to,The recent blog by Scottish Government highlights the reductions in friction, effort, risk and cost if,appreciate the recent change in the remit of Scottish Enterprise to align and integrate with Scottish Government
the climate where organisations can go back to generating their own income rather than relying on government,Cabinet Secretary in our webinar last month, and will continue to discuss solutions with Scottish Government,Most recently we have called on all funders, including the Scottish Government, to learn the lesson from,organisations to apply for; SCVO Chief Executive Anna Fowlie made this point strongly at the Local Government,We’ve also joined partners across the UK in calling on the Westminster government to make changes to