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Funding Scotland

Supporting Scotland's vibrant voluntary sector

Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations

The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations is the membership organisation for Scotland's charities, voluntary organisations and social enterprises. Charity registered in Scotland SC003558. Registered office Mansfield Traquair Centre, 15 Mansfield Place, Edinburgh EH3 6BB.


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Funding Scotland

Brexit and the Great Beyond - can Holyrood ‘keep pace’ with the EU on key issues?

Instead, the vote set in train a whole series of events and grand moments: government defeats, a handful,However, logic still seems to be out of fashion, and the UK Government formally advised the EU that no,stating that they, of course, want to secure a deal with the EU before the end of the year, the UK Government

SCVO response to Scottish Parliament Finance and Constitution Committee

While the UK Government has promised to maintain high environmental standards and will remain committed,obtain environmental information from UK-wide public bodies.” [3] Given that the UK and Scottish Governments

Trustees Week 2019 – And a Happy Birthday to the Scottish Governance Code for the Third Sector!

and consider how to achieve good governance in their organisations.,When talking about good governance, a great place to start is with the Scottish Governance Code for the,, for the sector, on what good governance looks like.,It’s designed to be aspirational, a tool for boards to reflect on and improve governance.,be used with the Code to help trustees regularly review their governance.

SCVO response to AGER economy report

the independent Advisory Group on Economic Recovery - established in April 2020 by the Scottish Government,Scottish Government must ensure that the “Team Scotland” effort called for by the advisory group has

Join the new third sector employability community

employability, and the capacity of SCVO to reach the whole of the voluntary sector and to liaise with government,operating in the field of employability services to communicate views to both central and local government

Good decision making for charity trustees in these unprecedented times

the right information to make decisionsMake decisions in line with rules set out in the charity's governing,Currently, charity trustees must consider any government guidance published on COVID-19 and importantly,Make decisions in line with the charity's governing document Charity trustees must check the terms of,their governing document and be certain that they are taking decisions which are valid.,of the meeting and who attended; whether or not a quorum was present in line with the charity's governing

Recovering from lockdown- guidance to guide us

The sector needs to keep reminding government, funders, donors and the general public of how essential

Coronavirus, next steps & communities

This has continued throughout the pandemic, and the Scottish Government's initial support of the sector,While emergency Scottish Government funding streams have provided vital support, many organisations had,The values that underpin our spirit and determination to go above and beyond must not mislead governments,Time is required to form new social partnerships between the government and different sectors.Lessons,The government must collaborate in a balanced way with each of the different sectors – including the

SCVO response to the Advisory Group on Economic Recovery

Time is required to form new social partnerships between the government and different sectors.,The government must collaborate in a balanced way with each of the different sectors – including the,Time is required to form new social partnerships between the government and different sectors.,The voluntary sector welcomes the efforts of the government to support the voluntary sector carry out,We also welcome the Scottish Government’s commitment to recognising that not all of society will feel

SCVO Chief Exec joins Social Renewal Advisory Board

pandemic, SCVO Chief Executive Anna Fowlie said: “I am pleased to be invited to join Scottish Government’s

Funding Scotland