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Funding Scotland

Supporting Scotland's vibrant voluntary sector

Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations

The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations is the membership organisation for Scotland's charities, voluntary organisations and social enterprises. Charity registered in Scotland SC003558. Registered office Mansfield Traquair Centre, 15 Mansfield Place, Edinburgh EH3 6BB.


What can we help you with?

Funding Scotland

Post Lockdown – planning for an uncertain future

There are differences between Scotland and the rest of the UK, with the Scottish government outlining,sector is #NeverMoreNeeded and has to start to think and plan for a huge range of operational, governance,Are you up to speed with government guidance on the test, trace, isolate approach for key workers and,Are you clear on the use of face coverings in line with government guidance?,Governance Is your board ready to make decisions about risk and liability if you do decide to re-open

How we can influence Scotland’s recovery in the weeks ahead

Our first public engagement on recovery came in the form of SCVO's response to the Scottish Government's,The response, shared today with the Scottish Government, was informed by a wide range of sub-sectors.,to submit evidence to the independent Advisory Group on Economic Recovery set up by the Scottish Government,and to help form the basis of broader and more in-depth discussions with the voluntary sector and government

'Joined-up’ thinking and cross sector collaboration can make Scotland a leader in Sustainable Development

new report – Improving Policy Coherence in Scotland – aims to bring together civil society and Government,Our Government and Parliament must be a leading light in fostering a culture of joined-up thinking.,But this isn’t just about government, it’s about all of us.,We are asking stakeholders from across civil society and Government to think about the broader impacts,This is all underpinned by the premise that no one has all the solutions, and Government policy is always

Covid-19 - a framework for decision making

The collective response of the Scottish Government, local government and voluntary bodies has reached,it is also important that the value of the sector continues to be understood and appreciated by government,the sector’s role as an employer, and the unique nature of voluntary organisations, the Scottish Government,If the Scottish Government is successful with a transition to a wellbeing-oriented, inclusive economy,Putting plans into action As Scottish Government moves through phases of reset, restart and recovery,

Furlough or Furloathe?

have been furloughed (as of 24 May), many of whom would have likely been made redundant if the government

A perfect storm is coming

While both the UK and Scottish Governments have provided support, through the Job Retention Scheme, Third

New round of Wellbeing Fund to help charities and social enterprises support those impacted by coronavirus

The second round of the Scottish Government’s Wellbeing Fund is now open to applications from voluntary,Communities Secretary Aileen Campbell said: “I am pleased the Scottish Government continues to be able,The partnership of government, grant-makers and local and national infrastructure organisations has been

The voluntary sector & coronavirus - what we've learned from your experiences

in their communities; how to understand the many implications of remote working; how to navigate government,And importantly, they also helped us in our discussions with Scottish Government and a range of funding

How to protect yourself from misinformation, fake news and scams

think…' Alison Stone is the Cyber resilience coordinator for SCVO, working closely with Scottish Government,recommends some trusted sources: the Trading Standard Scotland weekly scam newsletterthe Scottish Government

National organisations team up to improve employability in Scotland

to influence the development, implementation and delivery of No One Left Behind - the Scottish Government’s,organisations, and SCVO will bring its expertise and influencing power connecting the voluntary sector with government

Funding Scotland