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Funding Scotland

Supporting Scotland's vibrant voluntary sector

Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations

The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations is the membership organisation for Scotland's charities, voluntary organisations and social enterprises. Charity registered in Scotland SC003558. Registered office Mansfield Traquair Centre, 15 Mansfield Place, Edinburgh EH3 6BB.


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Funding Scotland

Cyber Security - a how to guide

This is mostly about good governance to change the way you think, work and behave.,Scottish Government’s Cyber Resilience Unit is currently producing a weekly Cyber Resilience Bulletin

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community group sent a concise email giving guidance about what I could do safely and in line with government


Councils, government, funders, service providers, regulators have had to try to flex and act quickly.

Safeguarding online: How Young Somerset digitised their 1-to-1 therapy service in just one week

Then, like it did for so many of us, everything changed with the implementation of the UK government’s,safe for staff, safe and accessible for young people, and met their NHS commssioner’s information governance,Four elements of information governance and security Nik had already read NHSX’s COVID-19 Information,Governance advice.,Once Nik had outlined his proposal he referred it to his Head of Information Security and Governance.

How to stay one step ahead of cyber scammers...

a phishing attack; most of us will have seen the fake SMS message purporting to be from the UK Government,The Scottish Government Cyber Resilience Unit issue a weekly bulletin on a Thursday which is a great

SCVO response to ScotGov funding announcement

to today's funding announcement by Aileen Campbell, Cabinet Secretary for Communities and Local Government,Fowlie said: "I am delighted that today Aileen Campbell, Cabinet Secretary for Communities and Local Government,, and her colleagues in Scottish Government have listened to the voices from the voluntary sector looking

Harnessing the power of digital

rapidly moved their therapy service online and managed to meet their NHS commissioner’s information governance

Accessibility is more important than ever

advice on how to meet these accessibility requirements has been published in guidance by both UK Government,and Scottish Government.

Stage One Debate on the Scottish Budget 2020-21

We would like to see similar commitments made consistently across government portfolios and formal processes,the recommendation to review how government, local government and public bodies fund the voluntary sector,The Scottish Government, local authorities and public bodies fund many essential services provided by,Funders, particularly government and local government, must take a more collaborative and sustainable,government, local government and public bodies fund the voluntary sector.

How Scotland’s third sector can come out for trans equality

create a more equal Scotland, we need to reform the Gender Recognition Act 2004 (GRA) – the law that governs,The Scottish Government’s consultation on its draft Gender Recognition Reform Bill is a chance to have,The Scottish Government wants to hear from as diverse a range of voices as possible to hear why trans,Whether this is your first time responding to a Government consultation or your fiftieth, we’ve produced

Funding Scotland