that tackling the climate
emergency would be the prime agenda item for this year's Programme for Government,The government's efforts to combat
climate change will grab the headlines, but there were many other,The Programme for Government mentions Scotland's
commitment to open government through its second Open,Government Action Plan.,The 2019/20 Programme for Government
sets a welcome tone for partnership and collaboration between government
believe that the replacement fund’s priorities should be set at
a devolved level, within the Scottish Government,Alignment with UK
Industrial Strategy Should the UK Government
decide to implement a replacement fund,around the Industrial Strategy, it would
be possible to align Scottish Government policy development,Partnership and governance
structure SCVO members have noted
that were local authorities to be tasked,In the current system, Scottish Government acts as both rule-maker and arbiter,
with no separation of
This year
Scottish Government, OSCR and SCVO are holding a joint event to consider how
each can strengthen,Director of Evaluation Support Scotland, the panel discussion
with Calum Irving of the Scottish Government,Scottish Government Stephen
Gallagher, Director of Local Government and Communities at the Scottish
Government,He will also take this opportunity to start a broader
conversation, on behalf of the Scottish Government,on public trust and the sustainability of the charity
sector in Scotland; and what the Scottish Government
just published Principles for
Positive Partnership; guidance on relationships between Scottish
Government,developed by a
facilitated working group that brought together expert representatives from
Scottish Government,The document provides practical guidance to help Scottish Government
grantholders and grant managers,Although focused on Scottish Government
grants, the principles laid out in the document are transferable,Whether you have a Scottish Government grant or funding from another
source, do have a read of the full