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Funding Scotland

Supporting Scotland's vibrant voluntary sector

Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations

The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations is the membership organisation for Scotland's charities, voluntary organisations and social enterprises. Charity registered in Scotland SC003558. Registered office Mansfield Traquair Centre, 15 Mansfield Place, Edinburgh EH3 6BB.


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Funding Scotland

SCVO welcomes Equalities & Human Rights Committee report on valuing the voluntary sector

Commenting on the Equalities and Human Rights Committee’s report, ‘Looking ahead to the Scottish Government’s,Funders, particularly government and local government, must take a more collaborative and sustainable

Scottish National Investment Bank Bill Stage 2

Bank Amendment no. 16 from Derek Mackay MSP We strongly support the amendment to the bill from the government,this amendment that secures the National Investment Bank as one of the many drivers the Scottish Government,This amendment reflects the Committee’s recommendation that the Scottish Government consider how the,The highest levels of transparency and governance must be a part of the Bank’s approach and this approach,to mission setting would build on the Scottish Government’s commitment to financial transparency.

Protecting the Rights of EU Citizens in Scotland

It will be up to the new Government to ensure that crucial changes are made to prevent hundreds of thousands,We appreciate that the Scottish Government has provided funding to Citizens Advice Scotland and others,In the Queen’s Speech, the Government suggested that the Immigration and Social Security Coordination,Whilst the UK Government claims that the EU Settlement Scheme is straightforward and simple, we know,While the UK Government has introduced the Settled Status Scheme - which would afford EU citizens some

SCVO Pro Bono Service

That is especially true in relation to governance issues where all too often the challenge is dealing,On that note, following my keen interest in governance issues – I am a “governance geek” - I was proud,earlier this year to be accepted as a member of Scotland’s Third Sector Governance Forum.,acts for a wide range of clients, from national institutions to small foundations, advising on all governance

Proposed Sanitary Products (Free Provision) (Scotland) Bill

Our response This is SCVO’s response to the Scottish Parliament’s Local Government and Communities Committee,The Bill would allow the Scottish Government to require organisations other than schools and colleges,SCVO’s membership base are supportive of this approach and would encourage Scottish Government to extend,the proposed arrangements to all public bodies related to the Scottish Government and health and social,SCVO members are supportive of the Scottish Government’s previous commitment of £4 million to provide

Digital Trustees Scotland - learning how to recruit and become a digital trustee

a brilliant presentation outlining the hidden Superhero nature of those who get involved in the governance,The charities governing document, constitution, rules everything.

A new addition to the SCVO Pro Bono Service

700 enquiries from SCVO member organisations covering subjects that range from charity law and governance,The most popular enquiry area has always been governance and charity law.

A whistlestop tour of digital inclusion research

One of the issues facing those interested in digital inclusion research is the incredible speed at which new publications emerge: the sheer quantity of pertinent information, both coming from the field of practice and from academic study, can be overwhelming. Over the last few...

Scottish National Investment Bank Bill Stage One Debate

We therefore recommend the inclusion of the Scottish Government’s vision for the Bank in the Bill itself,We welcome the Scottish Government’s acknowledgement of the Committee’s recommendations to strengthen,We are pleased to see clarification from the Scottish Government that confirms the use of the phrase,The Bank’s mission led investment process, governance and lending criteria should reflect the values,The Scottish National Investment Bank has been included in the Scottish Government’s Open Government

Funding Scotland