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Funding Scotland

Supporting Scotland's vibrant voluntary sector

Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations

The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations is the membership organisation for Scotland's charities, voluntary organisations and social enterprises. Charity registered in Scotland SC003558. Registered office Mansfield Traquair Centre, 15 Mansfield Place, Edinburgh EH3 6BB.


What can we help you with?

Funding Scotland

Voluntary organisations granted funding to help implement Carers Act

The purpose of this Scottish Government funding - first launched in June 2018 - was to develop local,SCVO Development Manager Irene Connelly manages the fund - she said: “SCVO and Scottish Government are

Delivery of national equalities and human rights in partnership with the third sector

The Scottish Government and COSLA - as the voice of local government in Scotland - must rise to more,open governance approaches that embrace our interdependence.,Dynamic relationships between government, voluntary sector and right holders Both the government and,The onus is on government, COSLA and organisations like SCVO.,Alignment of national priorities and policies with human rights The Scottish Government's and local government's

Reflections of a Cyber Resilience Co-ordinator, aged 6.5 weeks!

From the provision of a National Cyber Security Strategy by the UK Government to the Action Plans written,by the Scottish Government, it is a well thought through and strategically focused arena.,Our own Scottish Government Cyber Resilience Unit have some great resources available for organisations

SCVO walks the walk by granting staff time off to join global climate strike

Fridays for Future (FFF), an inspirational movement of young people demanding system change from governments,collective of passionate, determined, young people demanding climate justice from the Scottish government

Cool for CATS?

Support) Fund opened in June 2018 and gave carer organisations the chance to apply for Scottish Government,In managing this fund on behalf of Scottish Government, SCVO developed an application process that was

6 big questions charity digital leaders need to ask

Two things help or hinder the progress of digital evolution in any organisation – culture and leadership. Charities led by a senior team who trust their staff and understand the potential of technology, whose culture is focused on openness, experimentation and entrepreneurship...

Positive partnerships

Meanwhile, we’ll be sharing it with COSLA, local authority and Scottish Government networks – the more

Over 3,000 Scots to benefit from digital funding

The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations’ (SCVO), in partnership with the Scottish Government,Digital Participation at SCVO, said: "We are delighted to once again partner with the Scottish Government,Kate Forbes MSP, Minister for Public Finance & Digital Economy, said: “The Scottish Government is very,“The achievements of the Digital Participation Charter Fund tie in with the Scottish Government’s vision

Funding Scotland