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Funding Scotland

Supporting Scotland's vibrant voluntary sector

Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations

The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations is the membership organisation for Scotland's charities, voluntary organisations and social enterprises. Charity registered in Scotland SC003558. Registered office Mansfield Traquair Centre, 15 Mansfield Place, Edinburgh EH3 6BB.


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Funding Scotland

Data Protection (nearly) one year on… the SCVO journey

It’s nearly one whole year since GDPR came into force, shortly followed by the Data Protection Act 2018 and things seem to have calmed down after the flurry of enquiries SCVO received in the weeks leading up to 25th May last year. But, to be honest – I’m a bit concerned, surely...

Money, money, money

instead focus on changing things - being positive and optimistic, mindful that funders and even Government,Our outcome is to produce a report for Scottish Government by Autumn, so if you have thoughts, views

Minority Government, an opportunity for both the opposition and influencers

Minority government is an opportunity to be seized.,research team, led by Head of Policy, Michael Sharpe, highlighted that during periods of minority government,shared positions on a range of issues and achieve the numbers necessary to defeat the Scottish Government,Such changes are often achieved by encouraging the Scottish Government to move on controversial issues,Opposition parties, and indeed government, often have shared views within their manifestos.

CATS fund – Digital Accelerator

In 2018 The Scottish Government introduced a new fund (the Carers Act Transformation Fund), administered

We'd like to know what you think of the new Scottish Governance Code

Over the last year I’ve worked with Scotland's Third Sector Governance Forum to draft a new Scottish,Governance Code.,I get that the process of governance is not that interesting or exciting for many, other than your governance,But governance matters. Our sector has faced many challenges over the last few years.,Many tabloid headlines could have been avoided if governance had been stronger and better.

SCVO briefing to Scottish Parliament - Fair Work Action Plan

Briefing - Fair Work Action Plan - March 2019Download Our position SCVO is supportive of the Scottish Government’s,welcome the First Minister’s expanded commitment to Fair Work – it’s essential that the Scottish Government,SCVO has long advocated that organisations who want government support must offer proper contracts, end,Fair Work in Scotland’s Social Care Sector 2019 Report SCVO notes the Scottish Government’s commitment,sector employs 28% of Scotland’s social care workforce and we would welcome initial remarks from the government

March – time to ensure you’re in financial control!

part of good financial management and ensuring you have the right controls in place to effectively govern,Control is one of the five principles in the Scottish Governance Code which states that: ‘A well-run,controls and processes to make sure the organisation is run in line with its purposes and values, governing,board meeting: Do we as trustees understand our role and responsibilities with regard to financial governance,Strong financial governance is vital in an effective organisation, and it also helps reassure stakeholders

Towards 2021 – the future of Scotland’s third sector?

we can do to showcase the strengths of the sector; and what the sector needs from the Scottish Government,Delegates identified a need for the Scottish Government to recognise all that the third sector has to

Charities forge ahead with campaign calling for an independent review of the impact of Brexit on health and social care

many within the health and social care sector have over Brexit are widespread, and despite the Government,During the debate, Minister for Health Stephen Hammond said the Government has contingency plans in place,said it is disappointing that no independent evaluation will seemingly be brought forward by the Government

Consultation on Job Grant

SCVO response to Scottish Government 09 April 2019 Job Grant Consultation - Scottish GovernmentDownload,Our response Introduction The Job Grant is a new benefit designed by the Scottish Government which will

Funding Scotland