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Funding Scotland

Supporting Scotland's vibrant voluntary sector

Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations

The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations is the membership organisation for Scotland's charities, voluntary organisations and social enterprises. Charity registered in Scotland SC003558. Registered office Mansfield Traquair Centre, 15 Mansfield Place, Edinburgh EH3 6BB.


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Funding Scotland

Adult social care reform for Scotland – SCVO response to COSLA and Scottish Government

Adult social care reform for Scotland – discussion paper SCVO response to COSLA and Scottish Government,Our response Introduction SCVO welcomes Scottish Government and COSLA’s joint discussion paper on reforming,In addition, 788,000 unpaid carers (Scottish Government 2017) who ease the burden on services are supported,Investment in community infrastructure Government, local authorities and communities themselves must,a shared understanding among communities who recognise their potential but also within Scottish Government

Scotland's Third Sector Governance Forum

Good governance is vital to the success and sustainability of third sector organisations.,But good governance doesn’t just support the day-to-day running of organisations, it also helps maintain,That’s why Scotland’s Third Sector Governance Forum decided that Scotland needed its own Governance Code,With the help of funding from Scottish Government, we’ve spent the last few months reviewing other governance,all kinds to benchmark their governance practices.

Join the conversation on Scotland’s performance towards the UN SDGs

In 2015, the First Minister confirmed that the Scottish Government would be one of the first anywhere in,In Scotland, the National Performance Framework (NPF) is the Scottish Government's main local mechanism,This is a major first step in Scotland, but for the pace of progress to increase, governments, civil,That’s why Scotland’s SDG Network and the Scottish Government are working in partnership to secure the,They are currently working with the Devolved Administrations – including the Scottish Government – to

Making the most of a modest ‘shake up’ to Scots charity law

It should focus our minds on the need for good governance within charitable organisations to ensure they,helped by regulations, and while the three-month consultation launched in January by the Scottish Government,review charity law and encourages third sector organisations to have their say in the Scottish Government’s,Do we have good governance in place to ensure we are well run?,These discussions will inform SCVO’s response to the Scottish Government’s consultation on the Charities

Webinar with international poverty and human rights expert

The full findings from his trip will be submitted to the UK Government in due course.,Professor Alston said he had not been surprised by the UK Government’s response to his interim report,added that Scotland has made a clear commitment to tackling poverty in different ways than the UK Government,A recording of the session can be viewed on the Open Government Pioneers Project YouTube site.

New SJC Pay scales and what should you pay your staff?

COSLA have finally announced a deal with the SJC trade unions which is good news for the many third sector organisations in Scotland that use the scales to pay their staff. A three year pay offer has been agreed for 2018-2020, and SCVO members can access the new scales, as well...

Board Behaviour – Spread the Love!

January saw me start the new year with a resolution to promote the Scottish Governance Code for the Third,Sector With a call for trustees to get fit, governance style, I talked about how a board should make,Instead your board could use this month to focus on one of the core principles of the Scottish Governance,Commitment to a Code of Conduct can help set a standard for behaviour and good governance, and enable

Scottish Budget 2019/20

Those outside of government must be presented with an unambiguous account of the budgetary decisions,In its evidence session with COSLA and the Scottish Government, Members of the Local Government and Communities,, local government, the justice system and the NHS rely on our organisations to deliver more.,commitments the Scottish Government has pledged to deliver as a pioneer of open government to improve,budget clarity in their recent evidence session with COSLA and the Scottish Government.

Third Sector Forecast 2019

demonstrating impact will be a challenge80% think managing relationships with local and national government,I'd like to see funders and government (local and Scottish) take more account of the fact that these,Public sector/ local authority cuts “One key challenge is that funding from the Scottish Government and,The challenge is that monies allocated by Government given to the NHS who are not always best placed,We are all doing more for local authorities and government but get very little back.”

Calling all trustees! Here’s an event you really shouldn’t miss

opportunity to access free, practical information to help you be a better trustee and make your governance,There will information on safeguarding and the Scottish Governance Code, an update on the Scottish Charity

Funding Scotland