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Funding Scotland

Supporting Scotland's vibrant voluntary sector

Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations

The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations is the membership organisation for Scotland's charities, voluntary organisations and social enterprises. Charity registered in Scotland SC003558. Registered office Mansfield Traquair Centre, 15 Mansfield Place, Edinburgh EH3 6BB.


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Funding Scotland

Survey reveals catalogue of concerns for Scottish charities

tomorrow at Glasgow’s SEC – many of the events are focussing on funding, strategy, sustainability and governance

Charities need support from local authorities, not just praise

Council finance officers are today analysing what effect the Scottish Government’s budget will have on,asserted the uncertainty over the future of the service is down to reduction of lottery and Scottish Government

Have your say on Scotland’s Open Government Action Plan

Do you want to help transform government?,Imagine a country where citizens and governments come together to solve the most pressing challenges,What is open government? Governments use public money to shape the society we live in.,Do you have an idea for how government could be done differently in Scotland?,In June and July 2018 the Scottish Government and Open Government Network will be inviting the public

Minister launches latest round of funding to increase Scots’ digital skills

Voluntary Organisations’ (SCVO) Digital Participation Charter Fund – supported by the Scottish Government,Launching the fund, Kate Forbes, Minister for Public Finance and Digital Economy said: “The Scottish Government

Economy, Jobs and Fair Work Committee Inquiry on Scottish Government Draft Budget 2019-2020

Economy, Jobs and Fair Work Committee Inquiry on Scottish Government Draft Budget 2019-2020 Download,We welcome Scottish Government’s intention to review its approach to employability to streamline it and,Fair Work Convention, particularly the Fair Work Framework, is fully integrated across Scottish Government’s,Recommendations SCVO recommends that the Scottish Government should introduce a rebate scheme, or dedicated,The Scottish Government should also implement its commitment in the last Programme for Government to

Scottish Government Reshuffle – 2018

ScotReshuffle and thumb over the refresh button, we were treated to a deluge of news from the top of government,10 to 12, with new Cabinet Posts created to cover Transport, Infrastructure and Connectivity and Government,Having served in government for eight years (in a number of roles covering education, skills and youth,Aileen Campbell, who earns promotion to the position of Cabinet Secretary for Communities & Local Government,this is no exhaustive list and there are other new appointments and changes to the structure of government

Choices are key in tackling poverty

In March, the Scottish Government published its first child poverty delivery plan, which included a hugely,April, the Scottish Parliament unanimously passed the Social Security Act, giving the Scottish Government,currently living in poverty in Scotland, we must redouble efforts in 2019, with every level of government

SCVO Briefing on Scottish Budget 2019/20

Introduction The Cabinet Secretary for Finance, Economy and Fair Work has announced the Scottish Government’s,Cabinet Secretary explained there is no end to austerity in sight, despite claims made by the UK Government,The Scottish Government will not follow the UK Government in providing a tax cut to higher earners.,Local Government Scottish Government have said they will provide local government with a real terms increase,and UK Government welfare cuts.

Is Scotland "mopping up the mess" of UK welfare policy?

was the key assertion from Aileen Campbell MSP, the Cabinet Secretary for Communities and Local Government,Like the Special Rapporteur, colleagues across the third sector recognise that the Scottish Government,Similarly, there are constitutional limits on the Government’s ability to raise revenue.,And while SCVO and organisations across the third sector recognise that the Scottish Government plan,Poverty is a political choice, and like the UK Government, the Scottish Government has a choice to make

Budget Panto Season

As I mentioned in a previous piece on the Programme for Government (which lays the foundations for the,Perhaps this is only to be expected from a government in the middle of its third term.,With more devolution has come more responsibility for raising the money the Scottish Government spends,From a Scottish Government perspective, it’s a problem that has to be resolved sharpish.,So, when the UK Government makes big commitments on (for example and in this case) the NHS, Scotland

Funding Scotland