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Funding Scotland

Supporting Scotland's vibrant voluntary sector

Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations

The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations is the membership organisation for Scotland's charities, voluntary organisations and social enterprises. Charity registered in Scotland SC003558. Registered office Mansfield Traquair Centre, 15 Mansfield Place, Edinburgh EH3 6BB.

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#NeverMoreNeeded Resources

coronavirus, both in the short and long term, to ensure the voluntary sector remains resilient through,experience at the forefront of your fundraising despite the impact of coronavirus.,How businesses can support charities Scottish society needs a thriving voluntary sector to support people,Here are some ideas about how to support charity or community partners through coronavirus and beyond,coronavirus and can continue to provide essential services for people when they need it.

SCVO Annual Review 2020-21

Support services We responded quickly to adapt our support services to meet people's changing needs.,valuable HR and Employment Support Service to support voluntary members manage the impact of the pandemic,There's more information about the work of our support services in the ‘Support Services’ section on,‘quick fix’ emergency digital support service to 60 organisations.,the coronavirus pandemic and to support HR best practice across the voluntary sector.

Top tips for the public to support #NeverMoreNeeded

Charities need your time, money and goods to ensure they survive Covid 19 and can continue to provide essential,services for people when they need it.,Give time Volunteering is shown to boost your own mental health and sense of wellbeing as well as supporting,organisations, and volunteering has been scaled back in many instances to protect volunteers, staff and service,Legacy giving Coronavirus has led to a rise in people writing wills or updating their wills.

The small grants programme supports small charities providing vital services to the most vulnerable members

Making digital inclusion everyone’s responsibility: a roadmap for Scotland

The coronavirus pandemic proved that having a digital device, connectivity and the ability to use them,is essential for modern life.,For those of us delivering public services, we risk exacerbating existing inequalities by delivering,services digitally.

Introducing our digital inclusion roadmap for Scotland   

The coronavirus pandemic increased the speed at which digital has become embedded in our lives: digital,It exacerbates social exclusion causing increased pressure on services and support that charities deliver,People already in greatest need of public services are increasingly unable to access them due to a digital,We don’t think this is the case - digital is an essential part of modern life.,by the three broader enablers which need to be in place to support them.

Helpline to support those most at risk from Covid-19

A new national service has been launched to provide advice during the pandemic.

The scheme is designed to support charities registered and operating in the United Kingdom, especially,The focus is for one-year grants only, to cover core costs, projects, essential equipment or building,projects.Their priority will be to support local charities still active in their communities which are,currently delivering services to the young, vulnerable, elderly, disadvantaged or the general community.The

Air ambulance events cancelled by coronavirus

Scotland's Charity Air Ambulance has cancelled all public engagements as a result of the coronavirus

Charity calls for end to data poverty in Scotland

People Know How has published its election manifesto