who told us all about their organisation.,workshops, befriending calls and a suite of digital self-help resources which have all been a major,By adding these digital services, we have become more accessible to people living in rural communities,our work and we encourage people to find out more about our services on our website.”,Frequently asked questions We'd love to hear from you if you have any questions at all about joining
Our Digital Participation Challenge Fund, supported by the Scottish Government, the ERDF and BT, invests,The projects that we’re supporting will enable groups and organisations to digitise content, build digital,The project must be about developing the basic digital skills of am organisation’s staff or the people,To read more about the successful projects check out their project pages.,You can find out more about what’s been funded on our project pages.
, Digital Checkup, DigiShift, Design Hops or the Senior Leaders Programme we collect information about,We will use this data to offer your organisation support to develop in the areas of Digital Participation,One to one support (phone calls and face to face meetings) to help your organisation become more digitally,Leadership development programme with monthly meetings and interactive support from SCVO Digital team,For as long as you are receiving digital support from SCVO we may send you occasional ‘special’ digital
Now that you've got a solid understanding of digital exclusion and how it affects the people you support,Key actions Be a digital leader Build support for digital inclusion across the organisation Embed digital,Cross-organisation support It's crucial that there is support from senior management for digital inclusion,As a Digital Motivator, you'll need to think about how you bring people along with you.,Think about the changes you want to make, for the people you support, your workforce and for the organisation
Within the design of these new services, and those that are already running, we need to think about how,We have developed a framework for helping organisations across all sectors to think about how they can,Across four key areas, organisations should consider: Understanding: having appropriate knowledge about,digital exclusion, including the different barriers and solutions, and knowing how to develop support,This can include in-kind or financial support, with a focus on supporting people to develop their digital
Digital isn’t just about knowing how to unmute yourself on Zoom, or moving your files into the cloud.,of digital so that you can provide the best service possible for the people you support.,Our 121 support calls will give you 30 minutes with one of our digital team to talk about challenges,call with Maddie Book a free call with John Thinking about making better use of digital tools?,Book a free call with our Digital Evolution Manager, John Fitzgerald, who can offer support and advice
Engaging actively in partnerships, internal and external, in support of digital inclusion.,You can find out more about Scotland’s Digital Inclusion Charter, including how to sign up, on our website,Place-based digital inclusion Place-based digital inclusion is about building sustainable solutions to,This way of doing digital inclusion is all about the strength of partnerships in a local area, including,how they can think about what they have, what they don’t and what needs to happen next.