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Funding Scotland

Supporting Scotland's vibrant voluntary sector

Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations

The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations is the membership organisation for Scotland's charities, voluntary organisations and social enterprises. Charity registered in Scotland SC003558. Registered office Mansfield Traquair Centre, 15 Mansfield Place, Edinburgh EH3 6BB.

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Returning to the workplace

Now that Scotland have moved beyond Level 0, a gradual return to the office is underway for many organisations,This should always be a priority, but especially during the Coronavirus recovery.,Supporting Occupational Medicine have multiple resources available, including a person-based risk assessment,The CIPD have also developed a Coronavirus Risk Assessment template for workplace safety.,your organisation.

Top tips for the public to support #NeverMoreNeeded

Give time Volunteering is shown to boost your own mental health and sense of wellbeing as well as supporting,There are loads of organisations in your community looking for volunteers from befrienders to charity,Remember that the people running it may be volunteers themselves and very busy.,Restrictions may mean that your local charity shop is closed at the moment, so to avoid a wasted journey,Legacy giving Coronavirus has led to a rise in people writing wills or updating their wills.

Exclusive: TV presenter’s charity role in doubt after Covid-19 comments

Neil Oliver said he would “cheerfully risk” catching the virus and claimed there is “another Battle of Britain being fought just now”

Daily coronavirus roundup for third sector

News briefing on the sector's response during the pandemic

Daily coronavirus roundup for third sector

News on how Scotland's voluntary sector is responding to the pandemic

Charity recruitment – time to review and refresh?

keen to press on with pent-up recruitment from various lockdowns and restrictions.,Research suggests that some value flexible working over salary so if your organisation offers flexible,Do you think your team is fun and supportive or is Cake Friday one of your selling points?,If your dream candidate doesn’t apply look at transferable skills and commitment to your organisations,Showing the salary on your recruitment adverts will help your organisation be viewed as fair, open and

Winter is coming but are we ready?

Susan Smith on what six months of lockdown has meant for the voluntary sector and what the next six months might bring

Daily coronavirus roundup for third sector Wednesday 20 May

News from the third sector as lockdown continues #NeverMoreNeeded

Covid-19: how a small community is rising to a massive challenge

TFN hears about the work going on in the Borders town, which faces similar problems to much of the rest of Scotland due to the Covid-19 outbreak