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Showcasing Scotland's vibrant voluntary sector


Showcasing Scotland's vibrant voluntary sector


Supporting Scotland's vibrant voluntary sector

Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations

The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations is the membership organisation for Scotland's charities, voluntary organisations and social enterprises. Charity registered in Scotland SC003558. Registered office Mansfield Traquair Centre, 15 Mansfield Place, Edinburgh EH3 6BB.

Showcasing Scotland's vibrant voluntary sector


Showcasing Scotland's vibrant voluntary sector


Pet and Companion (PEACE)

X (Twitter): @PetAndCompanion

Pet and Companion (PEACE) is a charity providing Pastoral Care along with Canine Therapy to people in need of support and companionship, particularly: the elderly; patients receiving end of life care; students during stressful periods; and vulnerable women.

During visits, the presence of the PEACE dog helps to create a relaxed environment in which the person being visited and the pastoral carer can enjoy conversation and companionship. The pastoral carer offers both a listening ear and a means of support, happy to talk through any concerns or fears a person may have. PEACE’s pastoral carers are not trained counsellors, but do have experience in advising and helping people through difficult times. Our aim is to help alleviate the loneliness and isolation experienced by many of those we visit, and thereby improve people’s mental health and general well-being. Our vision is to have PEACE Teams of pastoral carers and their therapy dogs visiting people in need of support in community hubs, care homes, hospitals, hospices and university/college campuses all over Scotland.

Exhibition space: 9, Cromdale Hall

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Keegan & Pennykid
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The Access Group
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Vodafone Business
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Social Enterprise Scotland
Volunteer Scotland
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