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Showcasing Scotland's vibrant voluntary sector


Showcasing Scotland's vibrant voluntary sector


Supporting Scotland's vibrant voluntary sector

Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations

The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations is the membership organisation for Scotland's charities, voluntary organisations and social enterprises. Charity registered in Scotland SC003558. Registered office Mansfield Traquair Centre, 15 Mansfield Place, Edinburgh EH3 6BB.

Showcasing Scotland's vibrant voluntary sector


Showcasing Scotland's vibrant voluntary sector


Scottish Fundraising Adjudication Panel & Fundraising Regulator

Website: &
X (Twitter): @GoodFundScot & @FundrRegulator

The Scottish Fundraising Adjudication Panel

The Scottish Fundraising Adjudication Panel (the ‘Panel’) was established in 2016 for the purposes of overseeing enhanced self-regulation of fundraising in Scotland, to be responsible for fundraising standards in Scotland and to handle fundraising complaints related to Scottish registered charities in line with the Code of Fundraising Practice.

As an independent body, we regulate fundraising carried out by charities whose lead regulator is the Scottish Charity Regulator (OSCR). The Panel also promotes good fundraising through the ‘Good Fundraising Guarantee’. By registering for the guarantee, a charity makes a positive statement about their values, culture, and practices.

The Fundraising Regulator

The Fundraising Regulator is the independent regulator of charitable fundraising in England, Wales and Northern Ireland. We also regulate fundraising in Scotland by charitable institutions whose lead regulator is CCEW or CCNI and work closely with the Scottish Fundraising Adjudication Panel to promote best practice.

We maintain the Code of Fundraising Practice, which sets the standards that apply to charitable fundraising, and offer a Code Advice Service where we answer queries about these standards. We are currently reviewing the code, and will be holding a 12-week public consultation about proposed changes in Autumn 2023. 

Exhibition space: 5, Cromdale Hall

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