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Supporting Scotland's vibrant voluntary sector

Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations

The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations is the membership organisation for Scotland's charities, voluntary organisations and social enterprises. Charity registered in Scotland SC003558. Registered office Mansfield Traquair Centre, 15 Mansfield Place, Edinburgh EH3 6BB.

SCVO Trustee Network

Supported by CCLA

With over 250,000 trustees across the country who help shape and guide voluntary sector organisations, we think it's important to provide practical help and information which caters specifically to board members. With that in mind, we've created a Trustee Network to provide support and guidance for members of boards and committees. Here you will find information and news on relevant topics, webinars where you can hear from experts and share your own learning and experience, E-learning modules and SCVO's Good Governance Checkup.

SCVO Trustee Bulletin

We know trustees are busy people with big responsibilities, so we've created a quarterly Trustee News Bulletin which will keep you updated with practical information and useful event signposting.

Sign up now:

Good Governance webinars

Our regular Good Governance webinars look at common issues and challenges for trustees. Book your place today! You can watch the recordings of our most recent webinars on the SCVO YouTube channel.

New trustee?

Congratulations! You’re now one of over 250,000 trustees in Scotland who guide the work of our vibrant voluntary sector. If you’re new to your role you may be feeling a little overwhelmed, but we’re here to help with practical information. Check out our information on good governance and Our seven steps to help you on your way to becoming the most effective trustee you can be.

The Scottish Governance Code for the Third Sector

Good governance is vital to the success and sustainability of any voluntary sector organisation. Lack of good governance can not only lead to internal turmoil, it can also have far reaching effects on your organisation’s reputation and long term future. The Scottish Governance Code for the Third Sector sets out the five core principles of good governance. SCVO's Good Governance Checkup guides you through the principles of the Code, asking you a series of questions about your organisation and giving you a personalised action plan at the end. Your board can use the checkup to identify areas where you're doing well, check where you can improve and monitor your progress over time.


Our SCOPE E-learning platform provides entry level information and learning for trustees, volunteers and staff. The five modules are a great induction tool and will help you run your organisation. They cover the following topics:

Looking to become a trustee?

Need to recruit trustees?

If you have a place to fill on your board and want to recruit new trustees, there are a number of options:

  • For local organisations - contact your Third Sector Interface to advertise trustee opportunities
  • For regional or national organisations – register for Volunteer Zone with Volunteer Scotland to advertise your trustee opportunities on the Volunteer Scotland national database
  • For organisations wanting the added reach and profile of an advertisement in Goodmoves where your trustee vacancy will be seen by over 75,000 unique users a month, email or call 0800 0192 149

If you’re looking for trustees with particular professional skill sets then Standard Life Aberdeen can promote trustee vacancies through their internal staff intranet and other networks. Contact:

To find trustees with financial expertise IMultiply Finance Recruitment Specialists can advertise your vacancies for free on their website.

Black Professionals Scotland supports organisations in meeting their inclusion and diversity ambitions. You can advertise trustee vacancies on their website. Contact:

Our Open Door Webinar No.7 looked at recruiting new trustees and how to diversify your board. It has some great hints and tips.

TFN Guide to Running a Charity or Social Enterprise 2024

Third Force News have published the 'TFN Guide to Running a Charity or Social Enterprise' for 2024. The theme of this year’s publication is inclusion, diversity, equality and environmentalism in the sector.