practice for funders SCVO is working with funders to support a collaborative, aligned response to coronavirus,how to keep the supporter experience at the forefront of your fundraising despite the impact of coronavirus,A great blog post should inspire, encourage, motivate and captivate your audience - but it doesn't have,Here are some ideas about how to support charity or community partners through coronavirus and beyond,of the public can support charities Charities need time, money and goods to ensure they survive coronavirus
The coronavirus pandemic proved that having a digital device, connectivity and the ability to use them,We’ve developed this post-pandemic roadmap to define where we’re at, where we need to go and the high
The Health & Safety Executive provides further information on protecting workers through Coronavirus,,This should always be a priority, but especially during the Coronavirus recovery.,The CIPD have also developed a Coronavirus Risk Assessment template for workplace safety.,Coronavirus Workplace Risk AssessmentDownload Individual health and safety Returning to the workplace,after a significant period of time, especially in a post-pandemic world, will be concerning for many
Pinned posts that stay at the top of your feed are useful for this. ,quickly, a Twitter thread or ‘view-only’ link to a Google Doc is more accessible and just as quick to post,See also the Coronavirus Tech Handbook for a growing crowd-sourced guide to running remote meetings.If,See also our blog post on questions about privacy and security when using Zoom.If you’re running a Zoom
This is because, just as voluntary organisations were at a low ebb post-pandemic, they were hit with,This is because, just as voluntary organisations were at a low ebb post-pandemic, they were hit with,Size of the Sector Overall, the size of the sector appears to be broadly consistent pre and post Covid1,is indeed just the sort of ‘rainy day’ that reserves are there for, in times of financial challenge post,This does not include publicly, or independently, funded posts which were not eligible for furlough.