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Funding Scotland

Supporting Scotland's vibrant voluntary sector

Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations

The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations is the membership organisation for Scotland's charities, voluntary organisations and social enterprises. Charity registered in Scotland SC003558. Registered office Mansfield Traquair Centre, 15 Mansfield Place, Edinburgh EH3 6BB.

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Exclusive membership benefits and support networks A strong community of voluntary organisations of all,sizes Shape the future of the voluntary sector in Scotland Membership-exclusive events We regularly,Please sign up for one of our upcoming events.,Brexit and the pandemic have left the social care sector facing some serious staffing challenges.,workshops, befriending calls and a suite of digital self-help resources which have all been a major

Scottish Charity Awards 2021 winners announced

The stars were out at the Scottish voluntary sector’s event of the year

Scottish Charity Awards 2021 winners announced!

to recognising Scotland’s voluntary sector were announced tonight (1 October) in a glittering online event,Our campaign is one way to tackle that problem, by telling adults who are offending or who might offend,given their time, expertise and commitment to distribute over 90,000 meals and other essentials to locals,Digital citizens - People Know How People Know How believe in the inextricable link between social and,We will continue to combat data poverty and digital exclusion as we recover from the pandemic and beyond

Renewing Scotland’s full potential in a digital world

We support a vision that tackles digital exclusion that takes account of: MotivationAffordability of,Embedding digital inclusion Any effort to tackle digital exclusion should be embedded in existing activity,to tackle poverty and social exclusion, and not viewed as something separate.,other issues, such as social or financial exclusion.,This should include clear and consistent local pathways to address digital exclusion, with clear messaging

Charity advent calendar 2015

TFN is counting down to Christmas by celebrating and promoting some of its favourite charities, fundraisers and awareness days